Robin Wood (piano)
Quartet Pro Musica:
Patrick Hailing, Roger Raphael
Peter Sermon , Peter Hailing
Second of five programmes
A report on the Soviet point of view as expressed recently in the Soviet press and broadcasts in the U.S.S.R.
Compiled by members of the BBC foreign news department
Four Arabian tales by William Beckford regrouped and adapted by Rayner Heppenstall
4-Zulkais's Story
Translated by F. T. Marzlals with Barbara Clegs , Raf de la Torre
Thea Wells , Naidia Woolf
Translated by the Rev. Samuel Henley with Oliver Burt. Olive
Gregg Daphne Jonason. Robert Marsden
Jack May , Geoffrey Wincott
Produced by Rayner Heppenstall
Regina dTnghilterra '
(' Elizabeth, Queen of England ')
An opera in two acts: libretto by Giovanni Schmidt , based on Sophia Lee 's novel ' The Recess '
Music by Rossini
(sung In Italian)
Chorus and Orchestra of Radiotelevisione Italiana , Milan
(Chorus-Master, Roberto Benaglio )
The action takes place in London in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, about 1565-70
Act I
In the palace of Whitehall
by A. R. Mallick
Head of the Department of History, Rajshahi University, East Pakistan
In this programme Dr Mallick relates how Muslim participation in the ' mutiny' was an expression of years of discontent with the administration of the East India Company and so grew into an attempt to re-establish Muslim dominance over India.-
Regina d'lnghilterra
Acr 2
Scene 1: A room in the palace
Scene 2: In the Duke of Norfolk's house Scene 3: A dungeon in the Tower
(This recording. originally broadcast in Coronation week. was specially made for the Third Programme by Radiotelevisione Italiana. who also contributed to the production expenses)
A reconsideration of some aspects of Athenian democracy after the death of Pericles by Geoffrey Woodhead
Fellow of Corpus Christi College. Cambridge
Reader, David Raeburn
Two further volumes of an important commentary on Thucydides have recently been published. This event makes it timely to reopen the question of the qualities of Cleon as a statesman and of the development of democracy in Athens.
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 16)