played by Margaret Kitchin
Toccata (1941) - Niels Viggo Bentzon
Suono da Bardo - Vagn Holmboe
Toccata - Interludio - Fantasia - Metamorfosi - Finale - Postludio
(both first performances in this country)
A topical programme on the arts, literature, and entertainment
in his later years
Recorded by various friends and acquaintances including
Sir Max Beerbohm
Theodora Bosanquct. Ruth Draper
Sir Compton Mackenzie , Ethel Sands and his valet, Burgess Noakes The programme compiled and introduced by Michael Swan
Production by Douglas Cleverdon
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Pedro de Freitas Branco
Part 1
The first of two talks by Steven Runciman
In this talk Steven Runciman speaks on the Christian minorities in the Middle East who still present a factor in politics which is not sufficiently appreciated.
Part 2
A report by the Rev. E. H. Robertson on the conference held in July at Arnoldshain, Germany The theme of this conference was 'The Churches and a Responsible Society and it was attended by Protestant churchmen from North America, Britain, and East and West Europe. Mr. Robertson describes the course of the discussions and introduces excerpts recorded on the spot by Professors Josef Hromadka and Josef Soucek (Prague), Hanns Lilje (Bishop of Hanover), and Dr. Egbert de Vries (The Hague).
Alfred Orda (baritone) with Josephine Lee (piano)
French verse mainly of the nineteenth century