London String Trio :
Emanuel Hurwitz (violin)
Watson Forbes (viola) Vivian Joseph (cello)
by Victor Purcell
Lecturei in Far Eastern History at Cambridge
Mr. Purcell lived for some years in China in both official and unofficial capacities and made many visits there in the period up to 1947. This spring he was among the first to take advantage of the cracks in the Bamboo Curtain by returning to China as an independent visitor. In this talk he describes his trip and draws some comparisons between the old China and the new.
followed by an Interlude at 6.55
An opera in two acts
Libretto by Jacopo Ferretti
Music by Rossini
(sung in Italian)
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Peter Gellhorn )
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader, Peter Mountain )
Harpsichord continuo, Jani Strasser
Producer, Carl Ebert
Chief coach, Jani Strasser
From the Royal Court Theatre,
Act 1
Scene 1: A hall in Don Magnifico's castle Scene 2: A room in Don Ramiro's palace Scene 3: The grand salon in Don Ramiro 's palace
Talk by Louisa Rayner
During the war Mrs. Rayner spent some months in a primitive peasant house in Yugoslavia, and found some of the conditions of life remarkably similar to those described by Homer and Aristophanes.
Scene 1: The wine cellar of Don Ramiro 's palace
Scene 2: A room in Don Ramiro 's palace Scene 3: The hall in Don Magnifico's castle Scene 4: The grand salon in Don Ramiro's palace
Last of three talks by K. P. Wachsmann Ph.D ,.
Curator of the .Uganda Museum,
Dr. Wachsmann considers that music is being composed, by Africans, which promises an interesting musical future for Uganda. He speaks about some of the questions—of musical form, of the relation of indigenous to Western themes and of speech to music-which confront these composers, and analyses some of their experiments.
(: recordings of music by courtesy of the Uganda Broadcasting Service)
Readings of some of their poems, recorded at literary reunions in Spain, by Fermin Bouza Brey, Emilio Alvarez Blazquez, Alvaro Cunqueiro, Ramon Gonzalez Alegre, Aquilino Iglesia Alvarino, Xose Maria Alvarez Blazquez, and Sebastian Martinez Risco.
Introduced and translated by George Hills
Translations read by Denis McCarthy and Joseph O'Conor
played by C. H. Trevor
From Hampstead Parish Church