Nationalisms and Imperialisms in the Middle East Talk by Walid al Khalidi
Three programmes explaining as simply as possible modern systems of composition
2-Hindemith's Harmonic Theories
Talk by lain Hamilton
(The recorded broadcast of Feb. 25)
Everett Helm on Boris Blacher 's Serial Rhythm: September 10
See also Friday at 9.35
A topical programme on the arts, Jiterature, and entertainment
Three speakers comment on whatever seems of most immediate interest in the world of the various arts: exhibitions, new productions in the theatre, new films and books.
reading his own poetry
A series of four programmes of seventeenth-century music devised by Anthony Lewis
Jennifer Vyvyan (soprano)
Janet Fraser (contralto)
William McAlpine (tenor) Raymond Nilsson (tenor) Michael Langdon (bass)
Charles Spinks
(organ and harpsichord continuo)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate )
St. Cecilia Orchestra
(Leader, Lionel Bentley )
Conducted by Edmond Appia
From St. Gabriel's Church,
Cricklewood, London
Part 1
Talk by Bertrand de Jouvenel
This is a reply to Peter Winch 's talk ' A University has no Purpose,' broadcast on Wednesday.
Part 2
A series of five talks on some instances of learned invention and forgery 4 — Collier's Shakespeare Forgeries by John Crow
Lecturer in English in the University of London
(King's College)
John Payne Collier was one of the best qualified of the nineteenth-century editors who made rare texts available to the public, and many of his emendations to the text of Shakespeare were of great ingenuity and were received into subsequent editions. Unfortunately his transcripts of manuscripts are often big with spurious matter, and he preferred to give his Shakespeare emendations the specious authority of an ' Old Corrector,' after writing them himself in the margin of a copy of the Second Folio in a spurious seventeenth-century hand.
Abegg Variations, Op. 1 Arabeske. Op. 18
Sonata in G minor, Op. 22 played by Maurice Cole (piano)
Second of six programmes of piano music by Schumann
A story of the. Arawak Indians
Retold by Jan Carew in the fashion and dialect of the Negroes of British Guiana