A sacred festival drama in three acts by Richard Wagner
Chorus and Orchestra of the Bayreuth Festival
(Chorus-Master, Wilhelm Pitz )
Conductor, Hans Knappertsbusch
From Bayreuth.
Act 1
In the Grail's domain
The hall of the Grail castle
by Sean O'Faolain
Produced by Rayner Heppenstall
Act 2
Klingsor's enchanted castle and garden
A series of eight talks on science and the supply of food
2-Place in the Sunby Eric Ashby Vice-Chancellor
The Queen's University, Belfast and formerly Professor of Botany in the University of Manchester
In this talk Dr. Ashby considers the plant in its function and adaptation to man's use.
' The Lady of Shalott '
' The Dying Swan '
' The " Revenge " '
Read by Margaret Rawlings
(The recorded broadcast of July 6)
Act 3
In the Grail's domain
The hall of the Grail castle
Talk by Saburi Biobaku , Ph.D.
The speaker describes the problems and methods of historical research into non-literate societies, where written documentation is lacking. He refers in particular to the work he is preparing on his own people, the Yoruba of Western Nigeria
(The recorded broadcast of May 3)