Talk by Clovis Maksoud
Member of the Lebanese Socialist Executive
The observations and reflections of an Arab socialist on the movement of Yugoslav nationalism eastwards.
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 30)
The Feltkamp Quartet:
Johan Feltkamp (flute)
Perry Hart (violin)
Joke Vermeulen (viola)
Piet Lentz (cello)
Three programmes introduced and sung by Oda Slobodskaya accompanied by John Wills
I-Songs by Glinka, Dargomizhsky,
Balakirev, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov
These programmes are shortened versions of lecture-recitals given at the British Institute of Recorded Sound, London
Songs by Mussorgsky: January 14
Magda Laszlo (soprano) Raymond Nilsson (tenor) Francis Loring (baritone) Kyla Greenbaum (piano)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate ) Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader, Arthur Leavins)
Conducted by Sir Eugene Goossens
(first broadcast performance)
by M. D. Knowles
Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge
The occasion of this talk is Walter UUman 's study The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages.
Part 2 Concert given before an invited audience: programme arranged in collaboration with the Music Section of the Institute of Contemporary Arts. followed by an interlude at 9.10
The novel by Anthony Powell
Adapted for radio and produced by Christopher Sykes
Anthony Powell 's second novel Venus berg , published in 1932, relates the adventures of one Lushington, a lost soul in the limbo of journalism, while acting as special correspondent in a Baltic capital during the brief period of independence enjoyed by the successor States to the Russian Empire. Part comedy, part farce, part thriller, part tragedy, it is also a remarkable study of a vanished and irrevocable world.
Principal characters in order of speaking: with Garard Green. Martin Lewis
Eric Lugg. Macdonald Parke George de Warfaz. Ann Zane
Piano Sonata in F minor. Op. 14
(Concert sans Orchestre) played by Celia Arielt
In the first of four talks on gardening topics Edward Hyams speaks of the current interest in ' natural plants as distinct from those produced by hybridisation, selection, and forcing. He refers in particular to the tulips and roses.
(The recorded broadcast of Oct. 13) The New Hybrid Grapes: January 12