Talk by O. G. S. Crawford, C.B.E., Litt.D., Editor of Antiquity
Dr. Crawford's talk is occasioned by the publication of Volume I of the first comprehensive history of technology in the English language.
A play by Gabriel Marcel
English version by Rosalind Heywood
Radio adaptation and production by Raymond Raikes
Incidental music by Christopher Whelen
The Boyd Neel Orchestra
(led by Joshua Glazier) conducted by the composer
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Alfred Wallenstein
Part 1
(Also broadcast on Friday)
A series of talks commenting on current legal issues
I5-Sovereign Immunities before English Courts by R. Y. Jennings
Whewell Professor of International Law in the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Jesus College
Part 2
Harold Rutland writes on page 6
Talk by J. B. Ward Perkins
Director of the British School at Rome
Since the war a number of excavations by Italian and Swedish archaeologists on the Palatine Hill and the Forum have thrown new light on the early history of Rome. The speaker considers to what extent the ancient legends about the foundation of Rome are confirmed or contradicted by this new evidence.
New poems by Robert Graves
Helga Mott (soprano) with Josephine Lee (piano)
Provenzalisches Lied; Herzeleid; Röseleln, Roselein; Meine Rose ; Requiem
Fünf Lieder (Maria Stuart ) Abschied vom Frankreich; Nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes; An die Konigin Elisabeth ; Abschied von der Welt; Gebet
A talk by her god-daughter
Olive Renier
This talk was originally broadcast on March 24, the centenary of Olive Schreiner's birth.