Messe a trois voix sung by the BBC Midland Singers. Conductor, John Lowe
Three talks by William Haas, Lecturer in German at University College, Cardiff
"The meaning of a word is its use": the speaker considers various interpretations of this principle.
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by William Steinberg
Talk by Margaret Hall, Fellow of Somerville College, Oxford
Lady Hall examines the changes that have taken place in the distributive trades in the light of two recent books on the subject, and considers how far further innovation is being prevented by lack of price competition among retailers.
Honegger's Fifth Symphony was written in 1951 for the Koussevitzky Music Foundation and is dedicated to the memory of Natalie Koussevitzky. The composer has explained that since Beethoven's is 'the only authentic Fifth Symphony' he has given his own No.5 a distinguishing subtitle, 'Di tre re.' This refers to the fact that at the end of each of the three movements the note D is played pizzicato by the double-basses (and sometimes by the cellos and timpani).
by Thomas Middleton
During the interval (9.35-9.46 app.): Records of the Siciliana and Passacaglia from Respighi's Third Suite of Ancient Airs and Dances for the Lute
Quintet in B flat (K.174) - played by The Element Quartet: Ernest Element (violin), Sylvia Cleaver (violin), Dorothy Hemming (viola), Norman Jones (cello)
with Herbert Downes (viola)