by Thomas Middleton
Adapted for radio and produced by R. D. Smith
Lyric drama in three acts by Leopoldo Marenco
(after Daudet)
Music by Francesco Cilea
(sung in Italian) on gramophone records
Cast in order of singing: with members of the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan
(Continued in next column)
The action takes place in Provence
Act 1
Le Castelet, a farm
Act 2
The lagoon of Vaccares in the Camargue
Act 3
The farm
' L' Arlesiana' is being broadcast in place of Donizetti's opera La Favorita,' advertised for this evening
Talk by \Peter Laslett
Fellow of Trinity College. Cambridge It is to early seventeenth-century England that the historian looks for the origins of our twin achievements: modern constitutional government and the settlement of English-speaking societies overseas. Mr. Laslett talks about two recent books dealing with these movements: The King's Peace by C. V. Wedgwood , and The English People on the Eve of Colonisation by Wallace Notestein.
The Pasquier String Trio:
Jean Pasquier (violin) Pierre Pasquier (viola) Etienne Pasquier (cello)
of Dante Alighieri
The second cantica of the Divine Comedy, translated into English triple rhyme by Laurence Binyon
A reading in six parts
Produced by Peter Duval Smith
PART 5 (Cantos 23-27): Dante and Virgil, accompanied by the poet Statius, are in the sixth terrace of the Gluttonous, who suffer hunger in order to expiate their sin; Dante talks with his friend Forese Donati ; the poets ascend to the seventh and uppermost terrace of the Lustful, who burn in a cruel fire; Dante is greeted by the poet Guinicelli, whose work had influenced his own; passing on, the poets climb to the summit of Mount Purgatory; here Virgil leaves Dante, telling him that his mission is now ended.
Sonata in A (Op. posth.) played by Wilhelm Kempff (piano) Op. 78, played by Hans Leygraf : March 17
L. A. G. Strong knew the Irish poet George Russell (' A.E.') from 1924 until his death in 1935. In this talk he draws on unpublished letters and personal recollection
Mysteres du Rosaire
Poems by Henri Gheon
1-Miroir de
Joie Annonciation ; Visitation; Nativité; Presentation; Recouvrement
2-Miroir de
Peine Agonie au Jardin; Flagellation; Couronnement d'Epines; Portement de Croix; Crucifixion
3-Mirolr de Gloire
Résurrection; Ascension; Pentecôte: Assomption; Couronnement au Ciel
Nancy Evans (mezzo-soprano)
London Chamber Singers
London Chamber Orchestra
(Leader.) Thomas Carter
Conductor, Anthony Bernard
The Noble Art of Hawking
Pierre Schneider talks about the various manifestations of the French passion for eloquence