A discussion between
F. C. Copleston, s.J. and Professor A. J. Ayer
(The recorded broadcast of Oct. 13)
Florence Hooton (cello)
Ross Pratt (piano)
Richard Arnell's Four Serious Pieces were first performed in February by Florence Hooton and Ross Pratt. In order to secure a good balance between the two instruments the composer has provided a piano part that is light in texture. The pieces are contrapuntal in style and vigorous in mood. H.R.
Illustrated talk by Hugh Gough
Illustrations played by Joan Barker The later recitals in this series trace the development of piano music up to the time of Chopin. The music will be played on instruments contemporary with the composers or on modern copies of such instruments. In this programme Mr. Gough discusses the development of the early piano.
Written by Mungo MacCallum
Produced by Terence Tiller
See ' Both Sides of the Microphone
April Cantelo (soprano)
Helen Watts (contralto)
Wilfred Brown (tenor)
Norman Walker (bass)
The Ambrosian Singers
Continuo: Charles Spinks
(organ and harpsichord)
The Boyd Neel Orchestra
(Leader, Erich Gruenberg )
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Fourth of a series of programmes
Roger Sharrock speaks about the achievement of John Bunyan as a writer of spiritual autobiography
The speaker, who is Lecturer in English at Southampton University, believes that modern literary introspection owes a great debt to the Puritan method of analysis.
An interview by Henry Mayhew
Adapted by Douglas Cleverdon from Mayhew's
' London Labour and the London Poor' with Harry Locke and Carleton Hobbs
(The recorded broadcast of Sept. 16)
Second of two programmes
String Quartet in G minor played by the Quatuor Haydn:
Georges Maes (violin) Louis Hertogh (violin)
Louis Logie (viola)
Ren6 Pousseele (cello)
by R. H. Wilenski