Antonio Brosa (violin) Peter Stadlen (piano)
Frederick Thurston (clarinet)
Ernest Lush (piano)
No. 8
A monthly miscellany of new poetry and prose, edited and introduced by John Lehmann
Taking part are
Cyril Connolly , J. C. Hall and Dylan Thomas
Contributions from
Hugo Charteris , Basil Dowling
James Michie , Pierre Moinot and Jules Supervielle
William Devlin and Godfrey Kenton
Dona Nobis Pacem
Joan Alexander (soprano)
Bryan Drake (baritone)
Covent Garden Opera Chorus
Royal Opera House Orchestra,
Covent Garden
(Leader, Charles Taylor )
Conducted by Douglas Robinson
First of two talks by C. H. Waddington F.R.S. ,Professor of Animal Genetics in the University of Edinburgh
In these two talks Professor Waddington draws attention to the main problems left obscure by present theories of evolution and suggests the most hopeful way of tackling them.
Shakespeare and Italy by Henry Reed
The time: perhaps 1593
The scene:
Ferrara, Verona, Padua, Venice, Mantua
Production by Douglas Cleverdon
Talk by Michael Ventris , A.R.I.B.A.
The Minoan documents discovered by Sir Arthur Evans at Knossos fifty years ago have been edited by Sir John Myres and were published this spring. Michael Ventris , who for several years has been working towards their decipherment, describes the process and progress of the work and speaks of some of the historical and linguistic questions that arise.
Jennifer Vyvyan (soprano)
Rene Soames (tenor)
Alexander Young (tenor)
James Whitehead (viola da gamba)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
Madrigal: Cara mia cetr' andanne Aria: Torna il sereno zefiro
MadTigal: E pur tu part' ohime Aria: Pallidetta qual viola
Lament of Dido: Infelice Didone Duet: Dove potrd mai gir