Symphony No. 48 in C
(Maria Theresa )
Mass in B flat (Maria Theresa )
(A second performance of the concert broadcast on Wednesday)
Ormerod Greenwood talks about the Journal of George Fox
This has recently been re-edited by John Nickalls with an introduction by Geoffrey Nuttall and an epilogue by Henry J. Cadbury.
The Quakers are this month commemorating the tercentenary of their foundation as a society by George Fox.
(' Le Signe de la Croix ') by Gabriel Marcel
English version by Rosalind Heywood
Adaptation and production by E. J. King Bull
Quartet in E flat, Op. 127 played by the Vegh String Quartet:
Sandor Vegh (violin) Sandor Zoldy (violin) Georges Janzer (viola)
Paul Szabo (cello)
A series of eight talks on science and the supply of food
8-Harvesting the Waste by N. W. Pirie , F.R.S.
Head of the Department of Biochemistry,
Rothamsted Experimental Station
The speaker considers the possibilities of converting various waste products into food and more particularly of using green leaves as a source of protein.
Edwin Muir chooses and introduces a number of poems
Read by Tom Fleming
(The recorded broadcast of Nov. 15)
Sonata in G minor, Op. 60 for cello and piano played by James Whitehead (cello)
Gerald Moore (piano)
First of three talks by Lord Kinross
Deux Lregendes
St. Francois d'Assiae predicant aux oiseaux: St. Francois de Paute mar-chant sur tes Mots played by Wilhelm KempfT (piano) on gramophone records