Talk by Gordon Childe
Professor Childe argues that the progressive changes in human culture disclosed by archaeology differ both from the parallel lines of growth Herbert Spencer called ' social evolution,' and from organic evolution proceeding by variation and differentiation as described by Darwin. He illustrates his argument by reference to the cultural sequence in Britain down to Roman times.
by Alphonse de Lamartine with a new verse translation by Robert Conquest
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor)
Consort of Viols of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis :
August Wenzinger (treble viol)
Marianne Majer (tenor viol)
Hannelore Muller (tenor viol)
Johannes Koch (bass viol)
Talk by the Rev. M. C. D'Arcy , s.J.
Father D'Arcy's talk is based on Jean Guitton 's ' Essay on Human Love.'
Campoli (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Sir Malcolm Sargent
From the Royal Albert Hall , London
Part 1: Elgar
Prelude: The Kingdom
7.44 app. Violin Concerto in B minor
8.32 app. Variations on an Original
Theme (Enigma)
by Myles na Gcopaleen
Part 2: Vaughan Williams
A London Symphony
A story-cycle translated from the medieval Welsh by W. M. Merchant
Read by Jill Balcon , Robert Harris
Robert Rietty. Leonard Sachs
Gerik Schjelderup , Ronald Simpson
Music composed by Peter Crossley-Holland and played by Douglas Moore (horn) and the composer (minstrel's harp)
Iris Loveridge (piano)
5-Flesh is Grass by Norman Wright