sung by the choir of monks from Buckfast
Abbey Deus in adjutorium (Vittoria)
Psalms 109-112 with antiphons (Plainsong and sixteenth-century tauxbourdons)
Veni Creator Spiritus (Plainsong)
Magnificat (Vecchi)
Benedicamus Domino Regina Coell Recessionals:
Conflrma hoc (Jacob Handi )
O Sacrum Convivium (Qiovanni Nasco )
Organist: Dom Gregory Burke. o.s.B.
A selection arranged and produced by Terence Tiller
Readers: Anne Cullen
Olive Gregg , Derek Hart
Diana Maddox , Hugh Munro
The lyrics in this programme are read both in the original Middle English and in fiee modern-English translations.
by Hardel
Edited by Basil Lam
Joan Alexander (soprano) Margaret Ritchie (soprano)
Trefor Jones (tenor)
Richard Lewis (tenor) Owen Brannigan (bass)
Carl Dolmetsch and Marie Dolmetsch (recorders)
Continuo: Willem de Mont (cello)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord) and George Thalben-Ball (organ)
Covent Garden Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Douglas Robinson )
A section of the London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. George Stratton )
Conducted by Constant Lambert
Part 1
Talk by Humphry House
Fifth of six talks to mark the centenary of Wordsworth's death
Part 2
A play in three acts by John Millington Synge
Radio adaptation by Harry Hutchinson
[Starring] Maire O'Neill and Harry Hutchinson
Scene: A lonely mountainous district in the east of Ireland one or more centuries ago
Also this week: 'Between the Two of Us' — John Synge to himself: a dialogue by Padraic Fallon (Monday and Saturday); 'The Bare Stones of Aran,' a feature programme by W. R. Rodgers (Tuesday and Thursday); Richard Irvine Best's reminiscences of Synge (Wednesday)
Betty Bannerman
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
John Simons (piano)
Blech String Quartet:
Harry Blech (violin)
Lionel Bentley (violin) Keith Cummings (viola) Douglas Cameron (cello)
Talk by C. V. Wedgwood
Miss Wedgwood has for several years been engaged on this historical study, and the work is now approaching completion.