by Stephen Potter
Impressions of the Bloodstock Sales held all this week at Newmarket
These sales are among the most important in the world, especially as a market for high-class brood mares.
Henry Riddell describes the scene, with recordings made as the sales progressed
Kreisleriana, Op. 16 played by Claudio Arrau (piano)
Talk by F. A. Voigt
Illustrative passages read by Carleton Hobbs
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Rafael Kubelik
Part 1
Captain S. D. Spicer , R.N., who was Personal Assistant to the Vice-Chief of Naval Staff from 1941-45. considers the ' Filhrer Conferences on Naval Affairs' (recently re-issued in Brassey's Naval Annual) and ' Hitler and his Admirals ' by Anthony Martienssen.
Selections from Samuel Butler , Byron, and W. H. Auden
Anthony Quayle and Duncan Carse
Production by James McFarlan
This programme illustrates last Sunday's talk by J. Isaacs
Second of three programmes introduced by Robert Kemp with Evelyn Campbell (soprano) James C. MacPhee (tenor)
Edith Caunce (clarsach) Andrew Bryson (piano)
Programme includes songs expressing the joys and sorrows of the individual
Sonatas for harpsichord played by Aimée van de Wiele