' The Story of Esther' by Jocelyn Oliver read by Carleton Hobbs
Conductor, P. S. G. O’Donnell
Light Music by Contemporary British Composers
(Church of England) from the Studio
Hymn, Rock of ages, cleft for me
(A. and M. 184 ; S.P. 636)
Sentence Psalm xci
Lesson, Mark vii, 24-37 Nunc Dimittis
Lrsser Litany and Lord's Prayer
Short Confession and Prayer for
Hymn, Take up thy cross, the Saviour said (A. and M. 263 ; S.P. 119)
Address by the Rev. A. C. DEANE ,
Canon of Windsor and Chaplain to H.M. the King
Hymn, Just as I am, without one plea (A. and M. 255 ; S.P. 253)
Collects and Blessing