Programme Index

Discover 11,128,835 listings and 272,905 playable programmes from the BBC

★ (Church of England) from St. Mark's Church, Swindon
Organ Voluntary
9.30 Order of Service
Hymn, Forty days and forty nights
(E.H. 73 ; A. and M. 92)
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer, Versicles, and Responses Psalm cxxi
Lesson, Luke iv, 1-4 Jubilate
Creed and Collects
Hymn, Oft in danger, oft in woe
(E.H. 467; A. and M. 291)
Address by the Rev. RONALD ROYLE Hymn, How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (E.H. 405 ; A. and M. 176)
Prayer and Blessing Organist, John Gale


Rev. Ronald Royle
John Gale

★ Actors v. Journalists
'Clumps master',
F. H. Grisewood
Most listeners must have played the game of clumps at some time or other. This is a radio version of it. Each side in the studio will be given a list of famous people's names, and the other side must guess who they are by asking no more than twelve questions, which can only be answered by yes or no.
So that the game shall not be too difficult the names chosen will be those of famous politicians, actors and actresses, historical characters, cartoonists or their creations, radio stars, sportsmen or women, singers, aviators, explorers, painters, and novelists.


F. H. Grisewood

1—' The Seekers'
The Rt. Rev. W. J. Carey , D.D.,
Chaplain of Eastbourne College
This is the first of three talks in which speakers will discuss simply the vital religious issues at stake in Everyman's search for spiritual certainty. The Rt. Rev. W. J. Carey won his Rugger blue at Oxford, and when serving as chaplain on board the Warspite went through the Battle of Jutland. He was at one time Bishop of Bloemfontein. He is the author of a number of small books on religion which may be said to deal with the big truths in a simple way.


Rev. W. J. Carey
Rev. W. J. Carey

by Sutton Vane
Adapted for broadcasting by Hugh Stewart
Produced by Barbara Burnham


Sutton Vane
Broadcasting By:
Hugh Stewart
Produced By:
Barbara Burnham
Anthony Cope
Beatrice Radley
Derek Bond
Mr Prior:
Martin Wyldeck
Mrs Cliveden-Banks:
Coral Fairweather
The Rev Wm Duke:
Robert Digby
Mrs Midget:
Jean Stuart
Mr Lingley:
Laurence Manser
The Rev Frank Thomson:
Hal Stewart

(Congregational) from Morecambe Congregational
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Hymn, Fill thou my life, 0 Lord my
God (Cong. H. 30; A. and M. 705)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Chant, God is our refuge and our strength (Cong. H. 312, Psalm xlvi)
Lesson, Deuteronomy vi, 1-.12, and 20-24 Hymn, Father of Mercies, in thy word (Cong. H. 206 ; A. and M. 531)
Address by the Rev. SIDNEY M. BERRY , D.D. Secretary of the Congregational Union of England and Wales
Hymn, The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (Cong. H. 610 ; A. and M. 477)
Organist, Wilson Atkinson


Rev. Sidney M. Berry
Wilson Atkinson

An honorary representative of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, whose duty it is to feed, clothe, and send home all destitute men landed on our shores, is to be found in every port and nearly every village on the coasts of the British Isles.
All widows and orphans of those lost at sea are sought out and relieved according to their necessities. Fishermen and mariners are encouraged to become members of the Society at a small annual fee, thereby becoming eligible for grants in old age or infirmity, and in cases of loss of clothes or gear.
For one hundred years the Society has worked for the benefit of seafarers. but the fixed income is small, and the annual cost of helping the shipwrecked and the widows and orphans of fishermen and sailors, together with the necessary widespread organisation, amounts to about £30,000 each year, the greater part of which must be raised from voluntary sources.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to Cyril Maude , Esq., [address removed]


Cyril Maude
Cyril Maude

A melodrama by Patrick Riddell , based on the famous story by Victor Hugo
With music specially composed by Robert Chignell
Episode 8—'The Barricade' in which Henry Ainley plays the part of ' Valjean ' and the Story-Teller is Leo Genn
(by permission of Godfrey Tearle )
After serving an unjust sentence of nineteen years in the galleys, Jean Valjean , a penniless French peasant, is released into a country upon which he swears eternal vengeance. He is, however, spiritually redeemed by the Bishop of Dauphine, and in consequence becomes a philanthropic man of means. In Lorraine he adopts a child named Cosette, but his good intentions are thwarted by the brutal police inspector Javert, his one-time slavemaster on the galleys. Valjean is sentenced again to the slaveships, but escapes and flees to Paris with Cosette, relentlessly pursued by Javert.
In the last instalment you heard how Cosette, now fully grown and in love with a young revolutionary, Marius, said farewell to him as he went to defend the barricades in the ententes of 1832, and how Javert and Valjean found themselves at the same barricade. Today's instalment carries the story a step farther in an inferno of musket shot and bomb in the flaming Paris streets.


Patrick Riddell
Story By:
Victor Hugo
Composed By:
Robert Chignell
Henry Ainley
Leo Genn
Godfrey Tearle
Jean Valjean
Baliol Holloway
' Cosette ':
Margaretta Scott
' Marius':
Patrick Waddington

A musical journey down the river, visiting Oxford, Windsor, Vauxhall
Gardens, and Greenwich
Written by Wilfrid Rooke Ley with music selected by Mark H. Lubbock
The singers are
Lorely Dyer (soprano)
Arnold Matters (baritone)
A Male Voice Quartet and The BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conducted by Harold Lowe
The narrator is Wilfrid Rooke Ley
Tonight Wilfrid Rooke Ley , well known both to readers of the RADIO
Times for his numerous contributions and to listeners for the many musical features he has put on the air, presents another new programme.
From source to mouth Old Father
Thames provides a wealth of beauty, history, and English culture. Tonight's programme will wander from town to town along the river bank, presenting a musical reverie of these historic waters.


Written By:
Wilfrid Rooke Ley
Mark H. Lubbock
Lorely Dyer
Arnold Matters
Tate Gilder
Conducted By:
Harold Lowe
Wilfrid Rooke Ley
Wilfrid Rooke Ley

National Programme Daventry

About National Programme

National Programme is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 9th March 1930 and ended on the 9th September 1939. It was replaced by BBC Home Service.

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More