@ from page 1 of 'New Every Morning'
@ 'Stews '
Ann Hardy
@ Physical Training
(For use in an open space)
11.20 @ Interval Music
11.25 History in the Making
Ⓓ The World's Wheat Crop '
11.45 Physical Training
@ (For use in a class-room)
Stuart Robertson (bass-baritone):
Organ Grinder's Song No. 3 (My Old Tunes) (Starlight Express) (Elgar)
Alice Moxon (soprano): Laughers
Song (Starlight Express) (Elgar)
Alice Moxon and Stuart Robert son: Finale (Starlight Express) (Elgar)
@ 1—' Fans,'
Disclosing their many uses-to keep or give away secrets of love; to dissipate horrid odours ; to admonish refractory daughters ; and to spread the news
Written by Joan Adeney Easdale
Produced by John Richmond
(Empire Programme)
@ by Catherine Stewart (contralto)
D at the Organ of the Granada,
Clapham Junction
The final reading from the novel by John Buchan arranged for broadcasting by C. Henry Warren and read by Owen Reed
(From Midland)
Our Parish: The House in Pit Row
A special series for Rural Schools by Edith E. Macqueen, Ph.D.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Senior English: Great Writers of English: The People who put the Bible into English
Stephen Potter
Stephen Potter will talk about the various men and committees of men who helped to give us the Bible that we have now. He will refer to the sources, the problems of translation from Hebrew poetry into English prose, and the influence of the Bible on the English we speak today. He will refer specially to the work of William Tyndale and the committee that produced the Authorised Version.
2.55 Interval Music
3.0 Concert Lesson: Dances of the Eighteenth Century: Bach's Suites
Thomas Armstrong, D.Mus.
3.30 Interval Music
3.35 Early Stages in French
E. M. Stephan and Nina Michel
Ⓓ Harry Dyson (flute)
Eric Roberts (violin)
Gethyn Wykeham-George
Tina Bonifacio (harp)
@ by Jean Oldaker (soprano)
Desiree MacEwan (pianoforte)
Three Silhouettes (Op. 8, Nos. 10,
11, and 12) JEAN OLDAKER
Clo'uds and darkness are" round about Him
Hear my prayer (from the God is my Shepherd Biblical By the Waters of Babylon Songs) Turn Thee to me
Sing ye a joyful song
KSchtlicher Weg (from Poetical
(Twilight Way) } Impressions,
I-ruhlingshed d Impressions,
Frühlingslied Song) Op. 85)
(Spring Song) ) Op. 85)
All arrangements by Lauretta
Williams and Roy Douglas
including Weather Forecast
' Hours of Work and Welfare'
Miss F. I. Taylor , O.B.E.
This is the second talk in the series of three which are being given on the operation of the new Factories Act which came into force on July 1 this year. Today's broadcast will be given by Miss F. I. Taylor , Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories, Home Office. She will discuss the provisions of the Act relating to hours of work and welfare arrangements.
(Section E)
Led by Marie Wilson
Conducted by Joseph Lewis
An Inquiry into Social Distinction
' Caste, in India '
J. H. Hutton , C.I.E. and ' Feudalism '
Eileen Power
Interlocutor, T. H. Marshall
Presented by Leslie Baily and Charles Brewer
What Happened Fifteen Years
Ago ?
Who was in the News ?
What Tunes did we whistle ?
A varied hour of memories and melodies, including
The Royal Wedding
Early Days at 2LO
The Beggar's Opera
Felix Keeps on Walking
Baldwin becomes Premier
Yes, we have no Bananas !
Jack Hobbs 's 100th Century
Lilac Time
Saxophones and Syncopation !
These and other memories recalled by notable men and women of the year, together with A Broadcast from America
The BBC Variety Orchestra and BBC Variety Chorus
Conducted by Louis Levy
Compere, Patric Curwen
' Scrapbook for 1923 ' will be broadcast again on Thursday (Regional, 6.0)
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Lord Elton
by the Orchestre National
Desire Emile Inghelbrecht from Paris
D. E. Inghelbrecht was born in Paris in 1880. Debussy was one of his greatest friends, and from the earliest days of his career as a conductor he has supported the master's music, giving many performances of his major works. For a time Inghelbrecht conducted the Swedish
Ballet, both in Paris and in London, and he also composed the music to the ballet El Greco , which was one of the most successful in the Swedish Ballet's repertoire. He now occupies the position of chief conductor of the Orchestre National.
A short story written for broadcasting by R. C. Hutchinson , and read by .the author
There are good sea stories and good uncanny stories, but it is generally, agreed that when the two are combined the result is all that a short story should be. ' A Photograph of Mrs. Austin ' is just such a tale, reeking of wrecks, mysterious mates, and men overboard. Another ingredient is an inquisitive representative of a salvage firm who is the instrument by which the plot is unfolded. R. C. Hutchinson , the author, who will read the story himself, has written a number of notable novels, the best-known of which are ' Shining Scabbard ', ' The Unforgotten Prisoner', and his recently-' published work ' Testament
Directed by Sydney Lipton with Chips Chippendall George Evans The Three T's from Grosvenor House, Park Lane
Half-an-hour's gramophone records for dancers only