from page 57 of New tvery Morning'
Music and Movement for
by Frederick Dalrymple from Canton Parish Church, Cardiff
The Three Ginx
A reading from the novel by John Buchan arranged for broadcasting by C Henry Warren and read by Owen Reed
(From Midland)
dnder the direction of Johan Hock from Queen's College Chambers
Lecture Hall, Birmingham
The Birmingham Philharmonic
String OrcheTEra
Leader, Norris Stanley
Conductor, Johan Hock
Molly Baddeley (pianoforte)
The Orient
'A Village on the Nile'
This week K. H. Huggins is going to talk about a typical Nile village and how it depends for its existence upon the flood waters of Egypt's great river. The speaker will follow the fortunes of some typical Nile villagers and describe the conditions in which they work and the various types of grain which they raise
Miscellaneous Music from
Anselmo Ojembarrena (guitar):
Paso-doble, Recuerdos de Burdeos (Souvenir of Bordeaux)
La Argentina (castanets) with guitar accompaniment by Montoya: Tango, Andalou
The BBC Chorus (unaccompanied) conducted by Cyril Dalmaine : Fum, Fum, Fum-Jolly Christmas March ; Jolly Bachelors; Nightingale of France (Songs of the Spanish Provinces — Catalonia) ; Silversmith (from Spanish Choral Ballads)
Miguel Clobet (guitar): El Mestre
(The Master). Cango popular Catalane (Catalan Melody)
© Junior English
Poetry Programme arranged by JEAN SUTCLIFFE
The following poems will be read: John Gilpin , by William Cowper , Autumn Fires, and From a Railway Carriage, by Robert Louis Stevenson (both these can be found in ' A Child's Garden of Verses')
The American Cowboy
A talk by Alistair Cooke illustrated by recordings
(Electrical reproduction)
(From Midland)
A reminiscent programme of light music of pre-war days
Presented by Eric Gillett
and the CONTINENTAL PLAYERS with Andrew Clayton
including Weather Forecast
by Mabel and Denis Constanduros
Everyday happenings in an everyday household
The first incident :
Breakfast on Saturday morning
Their Children:
(by permission of Victor Payne
Jennings and Phillip Holmes )
(by permission of Messrs. O'Bryen.
Linilit, and Dunfee)
Production by Howard Rose
See the article on page 11
Answers to Listeners' Questions
W. P. Matthew
by Adelina de Lara
An Entertainment-a Mystery-and a Solution
No. 1—' The Strange Affair at the Old Dutch Mill'
The scene-The Old Dutch Mill, a road house near London
The mystery solved by John Rhode
(author of The Motor Rally Mystery, etc.)
Cast and A section of the BBC Revue Chorus
The Flying Dutchmen Dance Band
Conducted by Miff Ferrie
Production by Ronald Waldman
In the old Dutch Mill, a cheerful road-house with orchestra and entertainment, a number of people are gathered together for the evening. From 8 to 8.20 listeners will be invited to share in the fun, keeping, it is expected, an eye on their watches, for on the stroke of 8.20 something is going to happen! That mystery will be elucidated by Superintendent Hanslet, fiction detective created by John Rhode , detective writer, who has written this part of the programme.
This great agricultural and sporting event takes place today, and an eye-witness account will be given by Mr. Gillie Potter
More news from Hogsnorton! News this time of the Hogsnorton Show, billed as 'the greatest three-hour show in the western half of the East
Midlands'. Needless to say, Lord Marshmallow is President of the Show and is ably supported by Treasurer Sir Solly Saliva, M.P., and Secretary 1. B. Broke, Esq., The Mortgage, Great Overdraught. This, the sixth annual show in fifty years, will be held in the Gravel Pit by kind permission of the Hogsnorton Wednesday Football Club.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
13,000 miles for ljd.
-Lt. Colonel H. Burchall , D.S.O.
(Thirteenth Season)
To be given before an audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House
Helene Ludolph (soprano)
The New Hungarian String
Quartet :
Zoltan Szekely (violin)
Sandor Vegh (violin)
Denes Koromzai (viola)
Vilmos Palotai (violoncello) with Joseph Slater (flute)
Helen Gaskell (oboe)
Nicholas Tschaikov (clarinet)
This programme is notable for the first performance of three works, the first the String Quartet of Honegger, the second the Third String Quartet of Elizabeth Maconchy. The third is by the Italian, Luigi Dallapiccola , who is as yet not well known in this country. The Divertimento to be heard this evening was composed in 1934 for the Carillon Society of Geneva. It is dedicated to Alfred Casella and based on four anonymous texts of the thirteenth century, the underlying moods of which are melancholy, gaiety, joy, and despair.
Bartok's Fifth String Quartet is the subject of a short article which . will be found on page 12.
from the Astoria Dance Salon
on gramophone records