(Methodist) from Bondgate Methodist Church,
Organ Voluntary
9.30 Order of Service
Hymn, For the beauty of the earth
(New M.H.B. 35; A. and M. 663)
Invocation and Lord's Prayer Lesson, John xiv, 1-15 Prsvcrs
Hymn, From all that dwell below the skies (New M.H.B. 4; S.P. 408)
Address by the Rev. C. ALLEN
CLOUGH Hymn , Immortal Love , for ever full
(New M.H.B. 102; S.P. 536)
Organist, Thomas Couper
(All arrangements by Michaeloff)
with Anne Ziegler
Songs and Duets from Musical
with Tessa Deane
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
C. H. Middleton
In this, C. H. Middleton 's final talk before he goes off on holiday, he will give listeners some seasonal hints in this year of drought. It is good news that 'he is to resume his gardening talks in the autumn.
at the BBC Theatre Organ with WYNNE AJELLO
The BBC Symphony Orchestra, conductor, Sir Adrian Boult : Overture, Fingal's Cave (Mendelssohn)
The Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Koussevitzky: The Enchanted Lake (Lyadov)
The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Stokowski: Swan of Tuonela (Lemminkainen Legend No. 3) (Sibelius)
Presented by Frank Stewart
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Arthur Catterall (violin)
R. J. Forbes (pianoforte)
Lekeu's Sonata in G, like the sonatas of Delius, is a lyrical fantasy rather than a sonata in the strictly classical sense. Lekeu was a young Belgian musician of the school of Cesar Franck, a composer of the most brilliant promise whose career was cut short by typhoid fever in 1894, when he was only twenty-four years of age. This sonata, dedicated to Ysaye, was his last completed work and was not published till thirteen years after his death.
Conductor, Herbert Bennett
(From Scottish)
(Roman Catholic) from St. Dominic's Priory,
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Old English Prayers and Trisagion , Address by the Very Rev. VINCENT McNABB , O.P.
Hymn, Praise to the Holiest in the height (W.H. 56 ; A. and M. 172)
O Salutaris (Grant)
Motet, Cantate Domino (Pitoni)
Tantum Ergo (Plainsong and Vittoria)
Divine Praises
Cor Jesu sacratissimum (Plainsong)
Organist and Choirmaster,
Gerald C. Smith
CANCER by Viscount KNOLLYS , M.B.E.,
The Radium Institute and the Mount Vernon Hospital are together engaged in the treatment of cancer and in research directed to the prevention and to the mitigation of this distressing disease. The central department is in London ; the hospital, which was established in 1861 at Hampstead, is now situated at Northwood, Middlesex. 165 beds are provided.
The Radium Institute was founded in London in order that the value of radium and its derivatives as a curative agent for malignant cases might be demonstrated, and has accomplished much notable work in this direction This work is now being further enlarged in the light of the fuller knowledge which research has revealed.
Patients are received from every county in the British Isles, from the colonies, and from the Dominions. In its laboratories much important work is being carried out, and the results are at the disf osal of members of the medical staff in the treatment of their patients.
In order to carry on this essential work an annual income of £50,000 is needed.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed].
including Weather Forecast
No. 2
FRANZ LEHAR - The Man and his Music
A programme arranged by M. Willson Disher
Music selected by Mark H. Lubbock
Production by Gordon McConnel
Dennis Noble
Betty Huntley-Wright
Webster Booth
Hella Langdon
Compere, Bertram Wallis
The Rae Jenkins Trio
The BBC Theatre Chorus and the BBC Theatre Orchestra
(Leader, Tate Gilder )
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
with Brian Lawrance
(All arranged by Fred Hartley )