(Church of England) from Liverpool Cathedral
Organ Voluntary
Order of Service
Alleluia, The trumpet shall sound
Hymn, The strife is o'er (A. and M.
135 ; S.P. 147)
The Easter Benedictions, by the Rt.
Rev. the Lord Bishop of Liverpool
The Liturgical Anthems (E. Bullock ) Lesson, Revelation i, 8-18
Te Deum Laudamus (Stanford, in B flat)
Versicles (William Smith of Durham,
16th cent.)
Anthem, Hallelujah (Beethoven)
The Easter Supplications (Palestrina) Hymn, Jesus Christ is risen today
(A. andM. 134; S.P. 145)
Address by the Very Rev. THE DEAN
Hymn, Alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise (A. and M. 137)
Organist, W. H. Goss-Custard
Choir Conductor, E. C. Robinson
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie Conductor, Guy Warrack
Ⓓ C. H. Middleton and F. H. Grisewood
Few of C. H. Middleton 's broadcasts are more popular than the ones he gives with F. H. Grisewood. Not only are they both experienced broadcasters and vivid personalities, but Grisewood, being an amateur gardener himself, is typical of all of us who work so hard and are so ambitious to have a wonderful garden, but so often fail to see our dreams come true.
Their discussion today will range far and wide : delphiniums and phloxes ; ealworms ; the difference between daffodils and ' narcissus ' ; gillyflowers ; the question of whether tulips should be lifted when they have done flowering or left in the ground ; the problem of cutting grass ; and .the best evergreen to grow to make a shelter against the wind. And if there is time, Grisewood will ask Middleton some questions about the vegetable garden.
@ Conductor, Walter Goehr
(All arrangements by George Walter )
Alexander Borowsky (pianoforte):
Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 1 (Liszt)
Elisabeth Schumann (soprano):
Horch! Horch! die Lerch (Schubert). Morgen (Richard Strauss )
Natan Milstein (violin): From My
Homeland (Smetana). Polonaise Brillante in D, Op. 4 (Wieniawski)
Presented by Frank Stewart
The Rt.
Rev. Monsignor R. A. Knox ,
Roman Catholic Chaplain at the University of Oxford
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
Walter Widdop (tenor)
Rimsky-Korsakov's ' Russian Easter Festival ' Overture is based on melodies of the Greek Orthodox Church. ' In it', explains the composer in his Memoirs, ' are combined reminiscences of the prophecy of Isaiah and of the Gospel narrative and also a general picture of the Easter service with its "pagan merrymaking". I) not the waving beards of the pries' and deacons, their white vestment and their singing in lively temp" carry the imagination back to pagan times ? And all these Easter loaves, these burning candles ... How far is all this from Christ's teaching ! This legendary and pagan side of the holiday, this transition from the gloomy and mysterious evening of Easter Saturday to the unbridled pagan-religious merrymaking on Easter Sunday morning, is what I wished to express in my Overture.'
Erica Storm (soprano)
The Lyra Quartet :
Gordon Walker (flute)
David Wise (violin)
Anthony Collins (viola)
John Cockerill (harpsichord)
(First Performance)
Roy Douglas , pianist of the Cellini Trio , is a frequent broadcaster, appearing in almost every kind of programme from orchestral concerts to chamber music and accompanying. Mr. Douglas has written orchestral music, film music, orchestrated the ballet Les Sylphides for the Rene Blum ballet company, and among his most notable chamber compositions are the Trio for flute, violin, and viola, and the present Quartet, both of which were written expressly for the Lyra Quartet.
A picture in word and music of the great Canadian river
Produced by Lawrence Gilliam , and relayed from Canada in collaboration with the Canadian Broadcasting
(Church of England) from the Concert Hall,
Broadcasting House
Organ Voluntary
Hymn, Ye sons and daughters of the King (S.P. 143, Part 1)
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer, Versicles and Responses
Psalms cxiii and cxiv
First Lesson, Isaiah li, 1-3, 9-11 Magnificat (Cook in C) Second Lesson
Nunc Dimittis (Cook in C)
Creed, Versicles, and Collects
Anthem, Why seek ye the living among the dead ? (from The Apostles) (Elgar)
Hymn, The strife is o'er, the battle done (A. and M. 135 ; S.P. 147)
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conductor, Stanford Robinson