(Baptist) from Minehead Baptist Church,
Organ Voluntary
9.30 Order of Service
Hymn, Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore Him (Rv. B.C.H. 29; A. and M. 292)
The Lord's Prayer
Hymn, 0 bless the Lord, my soul
(Rv. B.C.H. 48)
Hymn, Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts (Rv. B.C.H. 154 ; A. and M.190)
Address by the Rev. L. G. CHAMPION
Hymn, Love Divine, all loves excelling (Rv. B.C.H. 317 ; A. and M. 520)
Organist, Harold Langdon
for Farmers and Shipping
Directed by Sydney Phasey
from ' Great Sea Stories of All Nations ', by Frank R. Stockton read by Geoffrey Crump
Music for Two Pianofortes
' The Oxford Movement'
The Rev. J. McCulloch
The Rev. M. Gresford Jones
The object of this talk is to put forward a plea for economic reform in the Church of England. Mr. Gresford Jones will mention some of the present inequalities, pointing out that neither the sources of income, the spending of income, nor the tenure of office command real moral assent ; it will be suggested that if the Church's revenues could be redistributed more equitably a great release of spiritual power would follow.
Gaby Valle (soprano)
Felix Salmond (violoncello) See the article on Felix Salmond, by C. B. Rees, on page 12
' Lord Fisher'
Admiral Sir William Goodenough ,
G.C.B., M.V.O.
In one of his somewhat rare moments of reminiscent expansion Lord Fisher said that one of those who had encouraged him when he was a young gunnery lieutenant was Captain J. G. Goodenough , then Captain of the Minotaur. Admiral Goodenough, who will speak of Lord Fisher, is his son. The Admiral's earliest memory of Lord Fisher is a memory of being taken to the circus, as a small boy, by Lord Fisher. He recalls the excited amusement mingled with awe with which he heard Lord Fisher exchange jokes and repartee with the clown in the ring. It is of sterner and more important matters that Admiral Goodenough will speak when he attempts to put before his listeners a description of the very complex character of a man to whom this country owes a great debt.
(Section F)
Led by Marie Wilson
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Mary Jarred (contralto)
Elgar's song cycle ' Sea Pictures ' consists of five songs for contralto voice and orchestra, and dates in order of composition between the ' Enigma ' Variations and The Dream of Gerontius. They were first produced in 1899 at the Norwich Festival and were sung by Madame (now Dame) Clara Butt , to whom they were dedicated. Their delicate beauty has made them popular with almost every type of audience, and they rank rather with the more ambitious choral works than with Elgar's songs.
These five songs show Elgar's delicate poetic feeling and his mastery of orchestral effect. ' Sea Slumber Song' is a setting of a verse by Roden Noel ; In Haven (Capri) ' is a setting of a pleasing little poem by Elgar's wire ; ' Sabbath Morning at Sea' is from a poem by Elizabeth Browning ; 'Where Corals lie' is a setting of a poem by Richard Garnett ; and the words of the last song The Swimmer' are by Adam Lindsay Gordon.
(Church of England) from the Concert Hall,
Broadcasting House
Order of Service
Hymn, Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (S.P. 626 ; A. and M. 657)
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer, Versicles, and Responses
Psalm civ
First Lesson, Job xxxviii, 1-13 ; 31-
41 ; xxxix, 1-4
Magnificat (Stanford in C)
Second Lesson, Matthew v, 33-48
Nunc Dimittis (Stanford in C)
Creed, Versicles, and Collects
Anthem, What are these that glow from afar (Alan Gray)
Hvmn, At even when the sun was set
(S.P. 42 ; A. and M. 20)
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
including Weather Forecast
An impression, a conjecture, a shot in the dark at what listeners might have heard had broadcasting been invented in the year when Queen
Victoria came to the throne
Research by Jonquil Antony
Adaptation and production by Moray McLaren and M. H. Allen
Those taking part are
Philip Wade , Nadine March, Rosalinde Fuller , Viviennc Chatterton , Carleton Hobbs , Geoffrey Wincott , Stanley Lathbury , Wallace Douglas , Laidman Browne , Gerald Lawrence , Norman Shelley , Bertha Eves , John Rorke , Nancy Poultney , Charles Mason , Ion Swinley, Eric Anderson
'London Calling-1837' will be broadcast again on Tuesday in the Regional programme at 6.0.
with Brian Lawrance
(All arrangements by Fred Hartley )