' Lord Fisher'
Admiral Sir William Goodenough ,
G.C.B., M.V.O.
In one of his somewhat rare moments of reminiscent expansion Lord Fisher said that one of those who had encouraged him when he was a young gunnery lieutenant was Captain J. G. Goodenough , then Captain of the Minotaur. Admiral Goodenough, who will speak of Lord Fisher, is his son. The Admiral's earliest memory of Lord Fisher is a memory of being taken to the circus, as a small boy, by Lord Fisher. He recalls the excited amusement mingled with awe with which he heard Lord Fisher exchange jokes and repartee with the clown in the ring. It is of sterner and more important matters that Admiral Goodenough will speak when he attempts to put before his listeners a description of the very complex character of a man to whom this country owes a great debt.