@ From page 87 of ' When Two or Three'
Regional Variations (2)
National Programme
at the Organ of the Empress Ballroom,
Backhaus (pianoforte) : Ballade
(Brahms) Op. io, No. I ('Edward'); Ballades Op. 10. No. 2 ; Op. 11S, No. 3
German for Older Pupils
Mobliertes Zimmer zu vermieten '
Julius BING
Paderewski (pianoforte) : Preludes
(Book I)-No. 1, The Dancing Virgins of Delphi; 2. Sails; 3. The Wind in the Plain; 12. Minstrels (Debussy)
The Life and Teaching of Christ
18—The Disciples by The Very Rev. C. A. ALINGTON , D.D.,
Dean of Durham
Leader, Philip Whiteway
from the Concert Hall, Broadcasting
Regional Variations (2)
Regional Programme
2.5 The Practice and Science of Gardening ' The Soil'
B. A. KEEN , D.Sc., F.R.S.
For the new school year, which began this term, these talks are to be divided between Dr. B. A. Keen (who has given the scientific talks since the series started) and Mr. C. H. Middleton , who is to deal with the practical side. School boys and girls must have listened to his gardening talks on many an occasion after getting back from school. I
Last week Mr. Middleton talked in this series of the garden as an integral part of the school and of school life, and now four talks on the soil are to follow-three by Dr. Keen and one by Mr. Middleton. The soil having been discussed, five talks will be given on plant growth, and then two on plant nutrition.
Listeners should carry out the experiments at the end of the pamphlet, for they are a real part of the course. Not only will they be referred to in the broadcast talks again and again, but by practical experience listeners will see for themselves what is right and wrong when it comes to gardening. Both in the experiment-room and in the school garden they will learn by gardening as well as by listening to the broadcasts on Monday afternoons.
Music by Gabriel Faure
Magda Tagliaferro (pianoforte) :
Troisieme Impromptu en la Bemol, Op. 34
Alfred Cortot (pianoforte),
Jacques Thibaud (violin): 3rd movement— Allegro vivo (Sonata in A, Op. 13)
Ninon VaUin (soprano) : L'Automne Henri Merckel (violin), Alice Merckel
(viola), GastonMarchesini (violoncello): Eliane Zurfluh-Tenroc (pianoforte): ist movement-Allegro molto moderato (Quartet No. 1, in C minor, Op. 15)
M. Mortimer (baritone), M. Cellier
(Organ), and Choir of Societe Bach: Libera (Requiem)
The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Albert Wolff : Fileuse— Andante quasi allegretto (Pélléas et Melisande)
Orchestre de la Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire, conducted by Piero Coppola : Finale—Incidental Music to Shylock
Early Stages in German
MARGOT BERGER , assisted by V. E. FRYE
Regional Variations (2)
National Programme
! WILFRID PARRY (pianoforte)
The New Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Eugene Goossens : Danzas fantasticas (Turina)
The Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Koussevitsky : The Enchanted Lake (Liadw)
It is five o'clock, and many a family-is sitting round the tea table. In this new series they are to he entertained by a broadcast talk, or talks, on something topical, or on some special subject described by an expert.
Last week, for instance, in the first broadcast in the series, Charlie Brown , chief carver at Simpson's, gave a talk on caning, and a professional photographer one on photography. Today Kathleen Moneypenny , an Australian, who was present at the German Dance Festival held in connection with the Olympic Games, is to discuss the school of German dancing, of which Mary Wigman is the great exponent. ... Then an observer at the Conference convened by the League of Nations and held in Geneva a week or two ago to prepare a Convention on the use of broadcasting in the cause of peace is to tell listeners something of what took place.
including Weather Forecast
This evening listeners are to hear the third talk by Anthony Hurd since he took over this series. He has been farming for ten years in Wiltshire, is Farm Editor of The Field, and Agricultural Correspondent of The Times.
Last week he spoke about farming in Sweden-a country he has recently visited ; and this evening he will bring
Sir Arthur Hazlerigg to the microphone to discuss the problem of English beef and the Government subsidy, which is now worrying farmers.
Leader, Alfred Cave
This evening the author of ' Tarka the Otter ' and ' Salar the Salmon ' is to give the first of four broadcast talks on animals, and he will repeat it on Monday afternoon, October 5, at 5 p.m. Tonight's talk on red deer will be followed by a talk on the otter on October 28, and the last two talks will be on the stoat and the badger respectively. Each of the four talks will be repeated for the benefit of a fresh circle of listeners on the following Monday afternoon.
A great number of listeners will have read a story of his, ' The Old Stag '. Stumberleap lived in a wood of that name, and was hunted many times ; in the last chase he swam across the Severn Sea and landed in Wales. Corpses of the hounds, swimming after him, were washed up eventually in Cardiff harbour.
The author in his booklet ' The Wild
Red Deer of Exmoor 'tells how the wild red deer have lived there for many thousands of years. To many farmers they are vermin. ' For'a great many years ', he says, ' the Hunts practically befriended the wild red deer of Exmoor. I, for one, a mere imaginative friend of the deer, shall always be grateful for this practical benevolence '.
' Meet the Prince ' will be broadcast again to-morrow in the Regional programme at 8.0
i A broadcast recollection of some of the cars, omnibuses, cabs, coaches, i broughams, phaetons, etc., which have appeared at various times in the streets of London
The cast includes
V. C. CLINTON-BADDELEY and drivers of vehicles-old and new
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping .
Orient Express................. Mohr
Directed by SYDNEY LIPTON with ' CHIPS ' CHIPPENDALL and THE THREE T's from Gros venor House, Park Lane