From page 21 of ' When Two or Three '
Directed by Norman Austin
Relayed from
The New Victoria Cinema,
By Christopher Stone
Directed by Frank Cantcll
Psalm, 114, 115
Lessons, II Kings v, 1-14; Luke xv
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Bullock in B flat)
Anthem, Lord, Thou hast been our refuge (Walker)
Hymn, Captains of the saintly band
(E. H., 177)
Phyllis Graves (soprano)
George Cunningham (baritone)
(From Edinburgh)
Conducted by Peter Montgomery
Adelaide Beattie (soprano)
(All Nationals except Daventry)
5.15 The Children's Hour
'The Country Holiday', No.3
(Third Series) 1
'The Hermit', by Arthur Davenport.
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers
These are numbers from the incidental music to the play, The Garden of Allah, based by Robert Hichens and Mary Anderson on the former's well-known novel. It was produced at Drury Lane in June, 1920.
1. HARRY HEMSLEY introduces the Children
3. DOROTHY SUMMERS has a Brush with the Highbrows
(from ' The Trials of Topsy', by A. P. HERBERT )
4. THE TWO JACKS in an Act of Syncopation
5. ' Five Birds in a Cage' by GERTRUDE JENNINGS
The Scene is an Underground Lift
Production by MARTYN C. WEBSTER
(Midland Regional Programme)
This diverting programme should show National listeners Midland variety at its best. Harry Hemsley rings up the curtain with his popular child impersonations, and then a child herself in Joan Daniels (for she is only fifteen) is to repeat the big hit she made on the air as a singer when she made her debut a month ago. The Two Jacks are to keep the ball rolling in between two sketches in which Dorothy Summers is to star. A Brush with the Highbrows, from ' The Trials of Topsy ', by A. P. Herbert and Five Birds in a Cage by Gertrude Jennings.
This briliiant one-act play, featuring five people trapped in a lift, is possibly the best ever written by the best known writer of one-act plays of modern times. It sparkles with wit and draws character with a deft hand. It was originally produced at the Haymarket Theatre, London, for a special matinée in 1915, and went into the evening bill, where it remained for 284 consecutive performances. A radio version was broadcast from 2LO in 1026, and it was one of Martyn C. Webster 's most popular productions last winter.
by Cecil Dixon
Matthew Dubourg, despite his name, was a Londoner, born there in 1703 and coming back to it from Dublin to die, in 1767. He was a pupil of Geminiani; was a violin prodigy, appearing at the famous concerts of Britton, the small-coal man, as a child; and going to Ireland as a young man, came to conduct the Viceroy's Band in Dublin. While in Dublin, he had the distinction of leading the orchestra at the first performance of Messiah, Handel conducting. He is the original of a famous story. He was in the habit of introducing long elaborate cadenzas at suitable opportunities, wandering into all sorts of keys which he often found it difficult to get away from. On one occasion, Handel again conducting, he took so long to untie the harmonic knot he had tied himself up in that when he did so Handel, having been extremely patient, exclaimed, 'Welcome home, Mr. Dubourg.'
Conducted by Arturo Toscanini
Relayed from The Festspielhaus, Salzburg
(In co-operation with The Austrian Broadcasting Company)
For beautiful string tone and brilliance of execution the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra cannot be surpassed. It was founded in 1842, and in 1860 became a permanent organisation, eventually, in 1870, giving all its concerts in the new building of the Society of Music Friends.
Among the great conductors who have guided this famous orchestra's career are Otto Dessoff , Richter. Mahler, Schalk, Nikisch, Strauss, and Weingartner, and, of course, Toscanini, who conducts tonight.
The orchestra has paid more than one visit to London, and has been conducted in recent years by more than one British conductor. In March last year, Adrian Boult was invited to conduct the orchestra in Vienna in co-operation with The Austrian Broadcasting Company in a concert which was relayed to British listeners. The programme on that occasion included two British works - by Elgar and Holst - while on this occasion we are to hear music by three of the great masters who, though not one was born in the city, made Vienna their home.
Weather Forecast; Second General News Bulletin
The romantic opera Monsieur Beaucaire, adapted by Frederick Lonsdale from Booth Tarkington's popular novel of the same name, was first put on in 1919 at Prince's Theatre with Maggie Teyte , fresh from Continental triumphs in opera and opera comique, in the part of Lady Mary Carlisle. It had a run of 221 performances as an opera. But Monsieur Beaucaire had alreadv had existence as a play without music, and from 1902 to 1907, with Lewis Waller in the name part, had scarcely been off the stage.
The play was revived in 1924, in 1928, and in 1932. It can now be classed almost as a repertory play.
Shipping Forecast, on Daventry only, at 11.