A reading taken from
' The Approach to Calvary ' by John Baker
Reader, John Westbrook
Forecast for land areas
Forecast for land areas
Seventh Birthday Edition
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
Four Former Comperes: Franklin Engelmann , Ailsa Garland , Jeanne Heal , and Nancy Spain compare notes about their last seven years
Janet Teissier du Cros looking forward to old age
Johnny Dankworth and Lady Horsbrugh, D.B.E.: two recent guests in Woman's Hour
A Book that Seized Me: Peter Forster on ' Sentimental Education by Gustave Flaubert
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
A request programme of records
Overture, Susanna's Secret (Wolf-
Ferrari): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Alceo Galliera
Old French Airs: Gerard Souzay
(baritone), with Jacqueline Bon neau (piano)
Italian Serenade (Wolf): the Budapest Quartet
Group of Goethe Lieder (Wolf):
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano), with Gerald Moore (piano)
Rapsodie espagnole (Ravel): Boston
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Charles Munch
Conducted by T. C. Worsley
Radio: H. A. L. Craig
Book: Walter Allen
Art. Andrew Forge
Film: Dilys Powell
Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
See column 1
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, George Hurst
Sunday At Five
'In the Steps of St. Paul'
Nineteen hundred years ago St. Paul was shipwrecked on Malta. In this centenary year David Davis and David Lloyd James read extracts from H. V. Morton 's book, which vividly describes St. Paul's life and travels, and places he visited.
2—St. Paul sets foot in Europe
5.20 ' The Tmmpet-Major '
A tale of Wessex by Thomas Hardy
Dramatised in six episodes by John Keir Cross
3—' How Wessex Prepared for War '
Produced by Archie Campbell
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
followed by RADIO NEWSREEL
A summary of last week's events
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
This evening's visiting artist,
Marion Studholme
by Alistair Cooke
Appeal on behalf of the British Epilepsy Association (Registered as a Charity in accordance with the National Assistance Act 1948) by a Consultant Psychiatrist
Contributions (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The British Epilepsy Association was founded in 1950 to help and advise the 250,000 people in this country who suffer from epilepsy, and to enlighten the general public about this condition. Educational courses are arranged and speakers provided to overcome the ignorance and prejudice which cause most of the social problems for epileptics.
More than 1,000 people each year come to the Association's welfare department. Social clubs are established for the severely handicapped and a summer holiday is organised for young children.
and invites
Roy Jenkins , M.P. and Mark Bonham Carter to debate the question
' Who Are The Radicals ? '
In the chair, Niel Pearson
(A shortened version of a recent meeting of the Society: Recording)
' The Way of the Cross '-4
Psalm 51, vv. 1-17 (Book of Common
Psalm 16 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 12, w. 20-33
Alone thou goest forth, 0 Lord (BBC
H.B. 79)
St. Luke 9, vv. 23 and 24
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Quartet in D minor (K.421) played by the Aeolian String Quartet: Sydney Humphreys (violin)
Trevor Williams (violin)
Watson Forbes (viola) Derek Simpson (cello)
(Recording from a concert on March 14 at the Maidstone Music Club in the Grammar School Hall)