A reading taken from
' The End of a Golden String ' by Robert Nelson
Reader, John Westbrook
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Regional Variations (2)
As Prescribed: patients' requests played by Dudley Savage, theatre organ
including music by Heuberger, Moszkowski, Villa-Lobos and Dohnanyt on gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson.
E. Arnot Robertson sends her last airmail letter from the Far East.
Visit to an Artist: John Bratby, A.R.A., talks in his own home.
Living on Credit?: some glances at home budgeting in 1960
A Book that Seized Me: Pamela Frankau on "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens.
A series of Lenten Services on the Theme of Repentance
3-The Repentance of the Individual
from St. Mary's Roman Catholic College, Strawberry Hill , Twickenham. Conducted by Monsignor R. L. Smith, Ph.D., assisted by Father J.J.Twomey , C.M.
Praise to the Lord (St. Basil Hymnal
Address: The Justice of God
Psalm 60 (Gelineau)
Scripture Reading from Isaias 1 and 53 Address: The Suffering Christ Adoramus te, Christe (Asola)
Address: The Goodness of God God. of thy pity (W.H. 32)
Our Father; Hail Mary; I confess;
Act of Contrition
God of mercy and compassion (W.H.
Organist and Director of Music,
John P.Rush
Assistant organist, Anthony Baldwin
Regional Variations (2)
Ar Eich Cais: classical record requests
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced! by Julian Herbage
Record Review
Contributed by Jeremy Noble ,
Andrew Porter , Harold Rosenthal
A request programme of records
Concerto for oboe and strings (Pergolesi),: Evelyn Rothwell (oboe), and the Halle Orchestra, conducted by Sir John Barbirolli
Piano Sonata No. 31, in A flat, Op.
110 (Beethoven),: Claudio Arrau (piano)
Tragic Overture (Brahms): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Otto Klemperer
Conducted by Sir Gerald Barry
Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace Radio: H. A. L. Craig Book: Walter Allen
Art: Andrew Forge Film: Dilys Powell
Forecast for land areas, followedi by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
in Northern Ireland
Edited and introduced by Professor Estyn Evans from Belfast
REG PARKER talks about the peat bogs so typical of the Ulster landscape
Douglas DEANE introduces the voices of the three Irish deer and discusses their status in Northern Ireland
VIVIAN Gotto outlines his work at Strangford Lough on sea squirts
ARNOLD BENINGTON presents a new series of recordings of the vocabulary of the long-eared owl-the commonest owl in Ireland
Produced by Jeffery Boswall
Regional Variations (2)
Sir Herbert Grierson (1866-1960): memorial tribute by David Daiches
Accidents and Insurance
Dudley Perkins talks about responsibility for accidents and ways of insuring against them
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
Correspondence Edition
Freddy Grisewood invites
Fred Loads, Bill Sowerbutts , and Fred Shepherd to answer ques>tlons listeners have sent by post
Arranged by Kevin Billington
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Led by Arthur Leavins)
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
Regional Variations (2)
Your M.P. at Westminster: review by Peter Midforth
by Isabel Quigly
Isabel Quigly was asked to choose her own subject for a radio essay, which she reads herself. Choosing ' Remembering,' the asks: Why do we remember what we do?
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh news survey
A sound recording of last Thursday's television programme
Sir John Wolfenden
Emma Clifford , Ph.D.
Lord Taylor of Harlow Chairman, Norman Fisher
Sunday At Five
In the Steps of St. Paul
Nineteen hundred years ago St. Paul was shipwrecked on Malta. In this centenary year David Davis and David Lloyd James read extracts from H. V. Morton 's book, which vividly describes St. Paul's life and travels.
I-A Journey to Damascus
See Junior Radio Times
6.20 The Trumpet-Major '
A tale of Wessex by Thomas Hardy
Dramatised in six episodes by John Keir Cross
2 — ' How a sailor returned from sea '
Other parts played by Edgar Harrison and Clive Batchelor
Storyteller, Harold Reese
Produced by Archie Campbell
A Touch of the Brake by Edward Leader
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A summary of last week's events
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist, Hervey Alan
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (4)
Lent Service from Southgate Congregational Church. Gloucester. Preacher, the Rev W. J. Coggan
As Midland
Service from Orchardhill Parish Church Giffnock
Christians think about their faith and its living expression
Modern Apostles
A series of programmes for Lent 1960, concerning the lives of twentieth-century Christians
3-George Bell
George Bell was Bishop of Chichester from 1929 to 1957 and was a tireless worker for the cause of Christian unity. The Very Rev. NORMAN SYKES , Dean of Winchester and one-time Chaplain to the Bishop, tells the story of his life, and introduces recorded reminiscences by his friends at home and abroad.
Regional Variations (2)
Appeal: Scottish Association of Parents of Handicapped Children by Dr. S. C. Curran
Appeal on behalf of the National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children, by Richard Dimbleby , C.B.E.
Donations (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of the problems of mentally handicapped children by publicising their needs, so as to secure better educational and training facilities for them...It gives advice and support to parents in need of help, and promotes and finances research into the prevention and treatment of mental deficiency.
Regional Variations (2)
' Teulu'r Mans Welsh serial
by Jules Verne
Written and compiled by Leslie Baily
First Year of Peace
The Nuremberg Trials; the Victory March; the Iron Curtain descends; the Bikini Atom Bomb; ITMA; the Squatters.
with the voices of: King George VI, Earl Attlee, Lord Birkett, Lord Kilmuir (Sir David Maxwell-Fyffe), Sir Winston Churchill, Ernest Bevin, Jan Masaryk, Group Captain Leonard Cheshire, V.C., Bernard Baruch, Bernard Shaw, Tommy Handley, Bing Crosby, Lt.-Commander Peter Scott, Wynford Vaughan Thomas, Miss Blanche Patch, Cecil Trouncer
with Gordon Davies, Geoffrey Lewis, Dudley Rolph, Frank Phillips
Pages turned by Freddy Grisewood and Desmond Carrington
Production by Vernon Harris
Regional Variations (2)
Folk Music from the Cotswolds and the Shires
Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor (K.466) played by Sviatoslav Richter (piano)
Polish National Orchestra conducted by Stanislaw Wislocki on gramophone records
' The Way of the Cross'— 3
Psalm 22. vv. 1-8 and 14-19 (Book of Common Prayer)
Psalm 40 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 10. vv. 32-45
0 thou who earnest from above (BBC
H.B. 362)
Hebrews 6, vv. 8 and 9
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Musica da Camera: Harold Clarke (flute) Sidney Fell (clarinet) Cecil Aronowitz (viola)
Joy Hall (cello)
Hubert Dawkes (piano)
Recording from a concert at the Inverness Musical Society in the Arts Centre, Farraline Park, Inverness, on February 16