Talk by C. J. Hamson
Professor of Comparative Law in the University of Cambridge on Sir Patrick Devlin 's recently published Sherrill Lectures
(: second broadcast)
Winter waters; In a vodka shop; Dream in exile; Dame get up and bake your pies; Lullaby; Country tune
Iris Loveridge (piano)
A Melodrama for an Age of Prosperity
A verse play for radio, based on Herodotus, by Peter Gurney
Music by Humphrey Searle
Singers and the Sinfonia of London conducted by the composer
[Starring] Michael Hordern
Polycrates's rule in Samos began c. 540 B.C.
by John Ziman , D.Phil.
Fellow of King's College, Cambridge Can research be a professional job, or is It necessarily the vocation of amateurs? The speaker discusses the problems of the selection and training, hiring and firing, rewards and status, of scientific workers.
Three talks on the social order before the coming of industry by Peter Laslett Lecturer in History in the University of Cambridge
I-The Sovereignty of the Family In Stuart England the family was the unit of jociety for all social and economic purposes.
Mr Laslett suggests that historians are misled when they do not bear this in mind.
A One-Class Society: April 3
followed by an interlude at 9.55
Selections from recently published books of verse by Roy Campbell , Ted Hughes
P. J. Kavanagh. Peter Levi ,
S.J. Wyndham Lewis , Peter Redgrove and Vernon Scannell
Introduced by Jonathan Price
Readers: Neil Curry , Gary Watson
of the 17th and 18th centuries
The Goldsbrough Ensemble