Talks by the Rev. Cyril T. Follett
1—' Is it an Aunt Sally ? '
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Talk by the Rev. Cyril T. Follett
2-' Is it a Cross Section of the Community ? '
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Brysiwch Adre': patients' record requests
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
See Light Programme
Regional Variations (3)
Signpost: N.W. Midlands'
Round-up of events
Man and Beast
' My Car Mascot's Alive' by Arnold Cawthrow
' Living Amongst Gorillas ' Jack Singleton interviews
Jill Donisthorpe
Interval Music
All people that on earth do dwell
(S.P. 443. A. and M. 166, P. and H. 1, all omitting v. 5; C.H. 229: Tune. Old Hundredth)
Interlude: The Church in Antioch
(Continued in next column)
Prayers: the Prayer for God's
Presence; the Lord's Prayer
Jesus shall reign (S.P. 545; A. and M. 220; C.H. 388, omitting v. 2; P. and H. 204: Tune. Truro)
Regional Variations (2)
I Ysgolion Cymru
Interval Music
10.0 EARLY STAGES IN French. A programme in simple French, in which listeners are invited to take an active part. Script by Jean Dorchies. (BBC recording)
Scene: ' Ennuis techniques.' Gisele Laroche deals with a difficult client.
Regional Variations (2)
Morning Service: In Welsh
The Son of God goes forth to war
(BBC H.B. 235)
New Every Morning. page 99
Psalm 91. w. 1-11 (Broadcast psalter) St. Luke 11, vv. 37-54
0 happy band of pilgrims (BBC H.B.
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. The Story of Wales
music AND MOVEMENT I. by Rachel Percival.
11.20 GENERAL SCIENCE. Heat. 3-How Much Heat? Script by Reginald Williams
11.40 THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION AND ITS PHILOSOPHY. Guidance in a Scientific Age. 3-Modern Insights: the Biologist. Speaker: David Lack , Director of the Edward Grey Institute of F'ield Ornithology, Oxford.
(Leader. J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Bryden Thomson
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Robert Carr
Christopher Mayhew
Jeremy Thorpe
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From the Secondary Modern School,
Great Torrington, Devon
STORIES AND RHYMES. ' The Brown Cap ': a Scandinavian fairy tale retold by Mary Cockett
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH II. ' Silas Marner ' by George Eliot , adapted for broadcasting by Donald Bancroft. Part 3
2.45 NATURE STUDY. 3-Rabbits, by Professor H. R. Hewer. (BBC recording)
by Anthony Trollope
Regional Variations (2)
The Broadland Singers
Elisabeth Robinson (soprano)
Edward Rubach (piano) with The London Studio Players
Conducted by Michael Krein
Programme produced by Alan Owen
on gramophone records
Presented by Cedric Wallis
The cast includes:
Bolshoi Theatre
Chorus and Orchestra
Conducted by Boris Khaikin
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity'
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by the psychiatrist
Regional Variations (2)
Awr Y Plant
For Children of Most Ages
Stories from the Ballet
' Coppelia ' told by Philip Cunningham to the music of Delibes on gramophone records
The first of five programmes
Script by Ursula Roseveare Produced by Sheila Bailey
See Junior Radio Times
5 30 Nature Parliament
Your questions answered by the resident members-James Fisher, Peter Scott , and L. Hugh New man-with Derek McCulloch
(Uncle Mac) in the chair
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport
News. sport. News In Welsh
News, sport
News. Round-up of events
News. sport
Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
6.35 Fred Streeter Advises
A weekly talk to gardeners in the South-East
6.45 Town and Country
A magazine for listeners in London and the counties of the South-East
6.15 6.25 VHF: Rowridge
(92.9 Mc/s) for the South Coast:
Area news and weather summary
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader. Reginald Stead )
Conductor, George Hurst
Raymond Cohen (violin)
Before an invited audience
In the Champness Hall , Rochdale
Next week. BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Berthold Goldschmidt , from Glasgow
Regional Variations (4)
Hadrian's Wall and the Frontiers of the Roman Empire: discussion
As North
Scope: People: Places: Events
Scott Pearson
During the depression of the 1920s, Scott Pearson travelled through the United States, taking up any job that came his way. Later he returned to England and wrote about his experiences. In conversation with Kenneth Hudson , he recalls his life as a wanderer.
Produced by John Irving
Election Broadcast on behalf of the CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST
The Viscount Hailsham , Q.C. Lord President of the Council
The Rt. Hon. Harold Watkinson
Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation
The Rt. Hon. Reginald Maudling
A survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
Artur Rubinstein (piano)
Chopin Ballade No. 1, in G minor Two Mazurkas: in C minor. Op. 56 No. 3 in D, Op. 33 No. 2
Scherzo No. 4, in E Four Studies Op. 10:
No. 6. in E flat minor: No. 5. in G flat; No. 9. in F minor; No. 8, in F
Andante spianato and Grande polonaise brillante
Before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House. London Tickets may be obtained by applying to [address removed] enclosing stamped addressed envelope.
by Alec Robertson
Alec Robertson , whose name is familiar from his talks and writings on music, has recently finished writing his autobiography. He describes the difficulties and embarrassments that beset him when he ventured on this unfamiliar activity.
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines; prayers
late weather forecast for land areas
Millicent Silver (harpsichord)