A reading taken from
' God's Kingdom and Ours ' by Gabriel Hebert
Reader, Arthur Bush
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
played by the London Theatre Orchestra
Conducted by Peter Hope
Forecast for land areas
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
Peter Forster reports on the launching of Bertrand Russell 's new book ' Wisdom of the West'
Open Mike: at the Tower of London
I Married a Nigerian: Hilda Ogbe tells her story
A Well Brought-up Girl: four men give their views
from the Chapel of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Convent, Victoria Park, Manchester; conducted by Father Vincent Fairclough
With the Barlow Singers
Under the direction of Michael Callaghan
Introduction Prayers
Christ, the glory of the sky (W.H.
Talk: ' My work '
Psalm 127: By the labour of your hands (Gelineau)
Talk: ' My work for others '
Motet: Civitas sancti tui (Byrd) Talk: My work for God '
Most ancient of all mysteries (W.H.
Prayers Blessing
Who is she that stands triumphant?
(W.H. 209)
Organist, Wilfrid Burns
Regional Variations (2)
Ar Eich Cais: records
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Record Review
Contributed by Stephen Dodgson , Donald Mitchell and Harold Rosenthal
Sacred Service
(Avodath Hakodesh) sung by Dorothy Bond (soprano) Doris Cowan (contralto)
Mark Rothmiiller (bass-baritone)
London Philharmonic Choir with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by the composer a gramophone record
Introduced by John Amis
Conducted by Sir John Summerson
Book: Helen Gardner
Art: Nigel Gosling
Film: Fred Majdalany Theatre: Eric Keown
Radio: Jacques Brunius
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Listeners' questions about the countryside answered by Eric Hobbis , Maxwell Knight and Ralph Whitlock
Question-Master, Jack Longland
Produced by Bill Coysh
Regional Variations (2)
To Scotland from New Zealand: letter from Robin Cockburn
Malice Aforethought
Dudley Perkins talks about the law of libel and slander
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
Questions put by members of the Marshfield Horticultural Society in Gloucestershire are answered by Fred Loads , Bill Sowerbutts and Alan Gemmell
Freddy Grisewood
Arranged by Peter D. Anderson
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
5-On Religion
Arranged for broadcasting by Eric Ewens
Produced by R. D. Smith
Regional Variations (3)
National Mod of An Comunn Gaidhealach: Gaelic Service from St. Paul's Church, Dundee: the Rev. Donald Morrison
Welsh news survey
A sound recording of the television broadcast of July 26
The members:
Dame Edith Sitwell
A. J. Ayer
Martin Cooper
Arthur Mizener
Sir John Wolfenden
Produced by John Furness
Questions should be addressed to ' The Brains Trust,' BBC Television Centre, London, W.12.
William Wilbcrforce
Fighter for Freedom
His life dramatised for radio by Bertha Lonsdale with John Bennett as William Wilberforce
Other parts played by Fred Fairclough , Lucia Rogers Herbert Smith , Bernard Youens
Barrie Hesketh , Ian Keill
Martin Ewart , David Cowbum
Pianist. Mabel Hardy
Programme narrated from Wilberforce House, Hull, by Philip Robinson , who is then taken on a tour by John Bartlett , Director of Hull Museums
Produced by Trevor Hill
See Junior Radio Times
Building Societies and the Small Investor by Sidney 0. Quin
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A summary of last week's events
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
This evening's visiting artist,
John Cameron
by Alistair Cooke
The 600th Letter in this series
Regional Variations (4)
Service from Bonnington Parish Church. Leith: the Rev. David F. S. Dick
Service from Ebenezer Gospel Hall, Cardiff: W. T. Groves
Service from All Souls' Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church, Belfast: the Rev. A. L. Agnew
A weekly programme in which Christians think about their faith and its living expression
A Search of Sermons
During the last twelve months a number of congregations in the West of England have had the experience of listening to sermons preached originally to their forbears, in one case as far back as 1690. This programme describes what led up to such Voices from the Past being heard in the Present and introduces recordings of some of the occasions when this took place.
Those taking part include
H. Lockwood West. George Holloway and Lewis Gedge
Appeal on behalf of Family Service Units by Harry Oakes (Dan Archer in ' The Archers ')
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to Harry Oakes , Esq., Family Service Units, [address removed]
Family Service Units employs more than sixty-five trained social workers in London and provincial cities to help families where the children may be in danger of neglect. By giving practical help, support, and guidance in all their difficulties, in a spirit of genuine friendship, Family Service Units helps the parents to improve their conditions and give the children a better home life. There is a great demand to extend the service and £ 30,000 a year is needed.
Regional Variations (2)
' Teulu'r Mans ': Welsh serial
by Anthony Trollope
Adapted for radio in twelve episodes by H. Oldfield Box
Produced by David H. Godfrey
Mrs. Harold Smith, on behalf of her brother, Nathaniel Sowerby , has conveyed to Miss Dunstable his offer of marriage. Miss Dunstable has refused him, and so Sowerby's ruin is now only a matter of time.
Lady Lufton's cherished scheme to bring about a marriage between her son and Griselda Grantly has come to naught. Griselda indeed is now engaged to Lord Dumbello, heir of the Marquis of Hartletop. And young Lord Lufton, determined not to take Lucy Robarts 's rejection of his offer of marriage as final, has asked her brother Mark to repeat this offer to Lucy on his behalf.
1-What it means to be old
Bee above and page 6
on gramophone records
' The Peace of God'
Haggai 2, vv. 6-9
Canticle 9 (Broadcast psalter) Ephesians 2. vv. 1-22
Pray that Jerusalem may have (BBC
H.B. 472)
Colossians 3, v. 15
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Amici String Quartet:
Lionel Bentley (violin) Sylvia Cleaver (violin) Harold Harriott (viola)
Joy Hall (cello)
Quartet in G, Op. 18 No. 2
Quartet in D, Op. 18 No. 3: Oct. 25