Talks by Mary Stocks
2 — ' The first battle of Megiddo '
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Talks by Mary Stocks
3-' The people had a mind to work '
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
Leonard Dight (violin) Sidney Crooke (piano)
Gramophone records of some of his instrumental music, including the Violin Sonata in D of mercv, truth, and love (BBC
H.B. 163)
New Every Morning, page 47 Psalm 143 (Broadcast Psalter) James 2. vv. 1-13
Eternal ruler of the ceaseless round
(BBC H.B. 321)
Ronnie Munro and his Harmony Music
Selections from two operettas by Franz Lehar : ' Frederica ' and ' The Tsarevich' on gramophone records
Bill and Wyn Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Cutler, famous London buskers, recall their very varied experiences in the streets of London and elsewhere since 1921. In that year, when they were 200 miles apart, both of them suffered crippling accidents which were to bring them together and set them on the road they have followed ever since.
Programme arranged and narrated by Anthony Jacobs
Produced by Louis MacNeice
Overture on Russian Themes (Balakirev): Philharmonia Orchestra. conducted by Lovro von Matacic
Lach dances (Janacek): Brno Radio
Orchestra, conducted by Bretislav Bakala on gramophone records
Forecast for land areas, followed hy a detailed forecast for the South-East region
' The Dook Comes Through '
(Leader. J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Walter Goehr
A play for radio by Arthur Gardiner
Cast in order of speaking:
Production by Robin Midgley
Brandenburg Concerto No. In F played by the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra
Conductor, Karl Munchinger on a gramophone record
from Derby Cathedral
Introit: From the rising of the sun
Psalms 84 and 85 Fir6t Lesson: Deuteronomy 11, vv.
Magnificat (Gibbons in F)
Second Lesson: Acts 11, w. 1-18 Nunc dimittis (Gibbons in F)
Creed: Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Responses (Smith); Collects
Anthem: Thee, Lord, before the close of day (Balfour Gardiner)
Prayers: the Grace
King Jesus hath a garden (Dutch
Carol, arr. Wood)
Voluntary: Minuet-Scherzo (Jongen) Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Wallace Ross
Expectant Grandmother: Gwenda Hollander makes some plans for a new relationship
The Block: A. H. Chesworth tells another story about the boys who tived in and around ' The Block'
Presented by Douglas Smith
For Children of Most Ages
Cyril Tawney sings to his own guitar
5.10 For Children of All Ages
' A Grass Rope ' by William Mayne
Adapted as a radio serial in three parts by Bertha Lonsdale 3—' The Unicorn is Captured '
Produced by Herbert Smith
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Very Rev. Eryl S. Thomas.
Dean of Llandaff
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
ACTS 1 and 2
London Alpha Trio:
Henriette Canter (violin)
Regina Schein (cello) Natalia Karp (piano)
Piano Trio in B flat. Op. 21....Dvorak