Morning melodies by The Dave Shand Quintet
Forecast for land areas
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews followed by MORNING MUSIC
See Light Programme
' Preparing for Christmas ' by the Rev. John G. Williams
Chaplain of Holy Trinity, Marylebone
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
Jack Train introduces your request records
Cello Sonata played by Florence Hooton (cello)
Helen Perkin (piano)
(first broadcast performance)
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
sung by the Choirboys of Canterbury Cathedral
Conductor, Sidney Campbell
Maria Korchinska (harp)
Procession: Wolcum Yule: There is no rose; The Yonge Child; Balulalow; As dew in Aprille; This little Babe; Interlude; In freezing winter night; Spring Carol; Deo Gracias; Recession
From Canterbury Cathedral
A series of interviews with well-known people
C. S. Forester answers personal questions put to him by Lionel Hale
Margaret Lane , Adrian Seligman
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
(Leader. Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
A new radio version of the Medieval Pageant of the Company of Shearmen and Tailors of Coventry
Cast in order of speaking:
Songs sung by the BBC Midland Singers directed by Philip Moore Produced by Peter Dews
Light Orchestra
(Led by Henry Tye )
Conductor, David Curry
News Summary at 3.30
from John Galsworthy 's
' A Modern Comedy ' freely adapted for broadcasting by Muriel Levy
Lionel Solomon (flute)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
A radio correspondence column
For Children of Most Ages
Violet Carson entertains with Songs from the North Country
5.15 'Black Banner Players'
from the book by Geoffrey Trease, adapted by Nan Macdonald
1 - 'A Queer Customer and a Day to Remember'
Produced by Trevor Hill
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Talk by Cedric Wallis
Mozart's opera is based on a play by Beaumarchais, which tilts vigorously at the aristocracy and was a succès de scandale in Paris in 1784.
Act 2
The Countess's boudoir
A survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
late weather forecast for land areas