A reading for Sunday morning from ' The Reality of God ' by W. Montgomery Watt
Part of the chapter on ' God and Human Conduct *
Reader, Garard Green
Forecast for land areas
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader. William Armon )
Conducted by Gilbert Vinter
Forecast for land areas
Marjorie Anderson introduces:
Jeanne de Casalis: on looking for somewhere to Jive.
The Cost of Living: a study of family budgets. 1: A taxi-driver and his wife.
Profile of Lillian Gish: introduced by Gordon Gow.
Voices and Views: heard on Woman's Hour recently.
(BBC recording)
Regional Variations (3)
Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Service from Redland Park Congregational Church. Bristol; the Rev. Basil H. Sims.
A Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication in Hexham Abbey, conducted by the Rector, the Rev. A. G. Hardie
Come. ye thankful people, come (A. and M. Rev. 482)
Bidding Prayer
The Lotd's Prayer Offering of gifts Psalm 148
First Lesson: Deuteronomy 8, vv. 6-
14 and 17-19 Address
To thee. 0 Lord, our hearts we raise
(A. and M. Rev. 484)
Second Lesson: St. Luke 12, vv. 13-21 Address
Te Deum (Stanford in D flat) Blessing
Organist, Dr. R. Cooper
Regional Variations (2)
Ar Eich Cais (records).
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Vaughan Williams and the Man in the Street, by C. B. Rees
The London Philharmonic Orchestra (founded 1932), by Arthur Jacobs
Herbert Howells (born October 17, 1892), by Thomas Armstrong
Busoni's ' Arlecchino,' by Mosco Carner
A programme of gramophone records
Conducted by T. C. Worsley
Film: Dilys Powell
Theatre: Eric Keown
Radio: James Kennaway
Book: Walter Allen
Art: Robert Furneaux Jordan
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Edited and introduced by Maxwell Knight
Various plants and animals have poisonous qualities. Maurice Burton and J. E. Lousley discuss with Maxwell Knight the nature of these qualities, with illustrations ranging from snakes and jellyfish to fungi and stinging nettles.
Production by Tony Soper
Andrew Porter re-interprets, with the help of gramophone records, the titles of some well-known
BBC programmes
2-The Weather
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden: talk by James Bruce.
from Leicester
Questions put by members of the Vaughan Horticultural Society, Leicester, are answered by Fred Loads , Bill Sowerbutts and Alan Gemmell
Friedrich Gulda (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
Part 1
by Jack Overhill
In the good old days of Merrie England, we hear, crafts were handed down from father to son and followed contentedly at the fireside. Jack Overhill , a boot-maker like his father and grandfather before him, talks about these good old days.
Part 2
Regional Variations (2)
Swansea Festival of Music.
Changes in the Law
Dudley Perkins describes some new law and interesting cases in recent months
Regional Variations (3)
Welsh hymn-singing.
Music Notebook: fortnightly magazine programme devoted to West Country music and musicians.
Antony Hopkins
In this series of weekly programmes Antony Hopkins usually discusses a woTk to be broadcast during the week; sometimes he goes further afield in his choice of topic.
For Listeners of All Ages
'The Silver Tree'
A folk tale fantasy written for broadcasting by William Slater
Produced by Herbert Smith
Regional Variations (2)
Lookmg Ahead: talk by Prof. F. T. Lloyd-Dodd.
International Savings Congress
(Paris. September 30-October 3)
A. T. Peacock , Professor of Political and Economic Science in the University of Edinburgh, reports on the savings problems of many different countries
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A summary of events of the past week
Max Jaffa and the Palm Court Orchestra
This evening's visiting artist,
Edmund Hockridge
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (5)
Service from Parkhead Congregational Church. Glasgow.
Harvest Service from Pisgah Congregational Chapel. Llandissilio.
Harvest Thanksgiving from Morwenstow Parish Church. Cornwall; the Rev M. B. Hirst.
As West.
A series of programmes in which Christians think about their faith and its living expression
Ralph Wightman introduces
Crown of the Year
A pattern of words and music for Harvest Tide with J. H. Anderson. John Westbrook and Martyn Colborn
Regional Variations (8)
(261 m.) Appeal on behalf of the Cumberland. Westmorland and Furness Spastics Society, by Alderman Kenneth Payne. j.p.
Appeal on behalf of The Bridgehead Association, by Harry Oakes.
Appeal on behalf of the Disabled Sailors' and Soldiers' Workshops. Bournemouth, by the Hon. Mrs. Eustace FitzGerald.
Appeal on behalf of the Dundee Old People's Welfare Committee, by the Rev. Hugh 0. Douglas.
As North (261 m.)
Appeal on behalf of the Leeds Greater World Free Night Shelter and Home for Homeless and Destitute Women and Children, by the Matron, Mrs. Nora Moor.
Appeal on Behalf of the Monmouth Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare Work, by Canon Ivor L. Phillips.
Appeal on behalf of the Society of the Servants of Mary, by the Rt. Rev. Cyril Eastaugh , Bishop of Kensington
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to the Bishop of Kensington, [address removed]
The Society of the Servants of Mary is a small Anglican Community working for the care of the aged. It is responsible for two homes, one in London and one in Hastings, which provide accommodation for some sixty-five elderly women. Residents in these homes are nursed if they are ill: unless by medical orders, they do not go into hospital but remain in the homes for the rest of their lives.
Regional Variations (2)
O Law I Law: 6
by Anthony Trollope
Adapted for broadcasting in thirteen parts by H. Oldfield Box
Part 6 with members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Produced by Peter Watts
When Harry Clavering , son of the Rector of Clavering, became engaged to Florence Burton , he had been in love before-with Julia Brabazon , the sister of Lady Clavering, his cousin Hugh's wife, up at Clavering House.
Julia had jilted Harry a year before to marry Lord Ongar, and now she is a wealthy widow. Because of some unfounded scandal linking her name with that of an adventurer, Count Pateroff, Sir Hugh Clavering refuses to recognise her or to have her at Clavering Park; so it falls to Harry to meet her train when she returns to England, and, devoted though he is to Florence, he is disturbed to find that Julia still holds her old attraction for him.
At Easter, Florence comes to Clavering to stay at the Rectory for the wedding of Harry's sister Mary, and they are all charmed by her simple and unaffected ways. Even Mr. Saul, the earnest young curate who is apparently hopelessly in love with Fanny, Harry's younger sister, feels that Florence would make a sympathetic confidante.
Explorer, leader, and romantic
Adapted and narrated by Margery Fisher and James Fisher from their forthcoming biography of the late Sir Ernest Shackleton with Shackleton's old comrades: Commander Sir Jameson Adams K.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S.O. R.N.R.
James William Dell
Walter E. How
Dr. L. D. A. Hussey O.B.E.
Colonel A. H. Macklin O.B.E.. M.C., M.D.. R.A.M.C.
Thomas Peers also Edward Swinford as Ernest Shackleton and the recorded voice of the late
Frank A. Worsley D.S.O. O.B.E. R.D. R.N.R. ,
Hedley Goodall , Charles E. Stidwill
Produced by Ian Curtis
Regional Variations (3)
Paul Kingsley (flute); Kathleen Everard (piano).
Enthronement of Bishop of Llandaff (recordings).
by Gordon Clinton (baritone)
Clifton Helliwell (piano) Larry Adler (harmonica) Joan and Valerie Trimble
(two pianos)
' The true riches '
Proverbs 15, vv. 3-17
Psalm 84 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 18. vv. 9-30
Jesus calls us (BBC H.B. 354) St. Matthew 5, v. 3
followed by late weather forecast for land areas