The Donald Purchese Quintet
Forecast for land areas
See Light Programme
Work and Leisure in the Christian Life by the Rev. B. M. G. Reardon
2-Our Vocation
Forecast for land areas
or The Ancient Traveller
Four talks by Tom Girtin about the joys of travel
2-Sticking to my Last
' The last time I played draughts was on board the Graf Spee. ' This is just one example of the gambit of ' last times': Mr. Girtin claims to be a great collector of famous last times.
Awake, my soul (S.P. 25. omitting vv.
2. 4. and Parts 2 and 3: A. and M. 3. omitting vv. 2, 4. and Part 2; C.H. 256. omitting vv. 2, 4. 5; P. and H. 172. omitting v. 3: Tune, Morning Hymn)
Interlude: 'Moses and the Burning
Bush '
Prayers; the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyola; the Lord's Prayer
He who would valiant be (S.P. 515;
A. and M. 676; C.H. 576; P. and H. 122: Tune, Monks Gate)
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
(Leader. Philip Whiteway ) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Patricia Kern (contralto)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Mary Stocks
Sir Steuart Wilson
Tom Driberg John Connell
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
From the Drax Hall,
Bere Regis , Dorset
STORIES AND RHYMES. ' The Bad Mother Bear ': a Bulgarian folk tale. retold for broadcasting by Jean Ure
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH ii. ' The Woman in White.' by Wilkie Collins. adapted for broadcasting by Silvia Goodall. 3—' Count Fosco '
2.45 NATURE STUDY. Hedgehogs. Script by Christine Dudley.
Central Band of the Royal Air Force
Conducted by Wing Commander A.E. Sims O.B.E., Organising Director of Music, R.A.F.
by A. P. Ryan
2-Why Dictatorships?
In the second of three talks based on his recent visit to South America, A. P. Ryan examines some of the reasons behind the dictatorships so often characteristic of that part of the world.
(Revised version of a broadcast in the BBC's General Overseas Service)
The last talk in this series: Tuesday, October 15
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity'
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by Father Jim Wilson
Listeners' letters are very welcome, as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd , c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.I. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally, but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
BBC Scottish Orchestra (Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Jens Schroder
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
by John Prebble
The famous bridge across the river Tay was completed in 1878. Eighteen months later, on the night of December 28, 1879, the central spans collapsed in a great storm, carrying with them into the river a six-coach train with seventy-five passengers aboard.
This programme, which is based on John Prebble 's book of the same name, tells the story of the bridge, of the disaster, and of the dramatic events that followed.
Produced by Nesta Pain
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
followed by late weather forecast for land areas