The Malcolm Lockyer Quartet and Eddie Palmer at the novachord
Forecast for land areas
See Light Programme
A talk by C. A. Joyce
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news
Compiled by Louise Davies
Interval Music
Marta Eitler (violin)
Alan Mahy (baritone)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
Jack White and his Band
TIME AND TUNE, by Kay Foster. (BBC recording)
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS I. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. The International Geophysical Year: 1— The Earth and the I.G.Y.. by Sir Harold Spencer Jones, K.B.E., F.R.S.
BBC Revue Orchestra (Leader, Antony Gilbert )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
The Russ Henderson Steel Band
Moira Briody
Freddie Bamberger and Pam Maria Perilli
Introduced by John BIythe Produced by C. F. Meehan
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
The sound-track of Sunday's television programme
The members:
Marghanita Laski
Nicholas Monsarrat
Professor Alexander Kennedy
Professor A. J. Ayer , F.B.A.
Question-Master, Bernard Braden
Produced by John Furness
Questions should be addressed to ' The Brains Trust,' BBC Television Centre, London, W.12
TRAVEL TALKS. Basques of the Pyrenees. Script by Vivian Rowe.
2.20 THE BIBLE and LIFE. Everyday Life in the Time of the Prophets: 1 — Country Life. Script by Margaret Boys.
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I. ' Beowulf the Warrior ' by Ian Serraillier. Part 1— ' Grendel '
Lyric Pieces played by Walter Gieseking (piano) on gramophone records
Album-leaf, Op. 47 No. 2 Phantom. Op. 62 No. 5
Little bird. Op. 43 No. 4 Nocturne. Op. 54 No.
Remembrances, Op. 71 No. 7
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to the views expressed in last Friday's ' Any Questions?'
Jack Salisbury and his
Salon Orchestra
at Ascot
The Royal Lodge Stakes
A race for two-year-olds, run over a distance of one mile.
Commentary by Raymond Glendenning, assisted by Roger Mortimer as race-reader
From Ascot Heath
by John Mackay
Holt Hall in Norfolk is an unusual secondary modern school. It is a coeducational boarding school-a rare thing in state education. John Mackay , who was for some time on the staff at Holt Hall , talks of his work there and compares the very different reactions of the boys and the girls to their first experience of living in a community.
by Anthony Trollope
Part 4
For Children of all Ages
' The Borrowers Afield' by Mary Norton abridged as a serial story in twelve instalments by Honor Wyatt and told by Jo
11 —' Fortune Favours the Brave '
5.15 For Children of Most Ages
'Secret of the Rocks '
A six-part serial play set on the upper reaches of the River Severn nearly a hundred years ago
Written by Henry Garnett
5--' Quaker Smuggler '
Produced by Graham Gauld
Last week Annie was brought to Benny's house by Moses and Benny. Cornelius Beale and Tabernacle Joe intensified their search for Simon and the missing ship Phantom. Meanwhile, Luke and Bunk continued their voyage down-stream on the Phantom and threw overboard all the cargo in the ship's hold, including a large oil drum in which Simon was hidden. followed by On the Wing
A series of six talks in which
' B.B.' tells you about birds and their various characteristics
5-Wings and Tails
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
followed by A weekend preview
Introduced by John Snagge
A visit to the seaside to join stars from the world of show business
Introduced by Jack Watson with Tommy Reilly
Cardew Robinson
Sheila Buxton , Ken Platt
Reginald Dixon
The Raymond Woodhead Singers
BBC Northern Dance Orchestra Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth Produced by Geoffrey Wheeler
(A shortened version of the recorded broadcast on June 26 in the Light Programme)
Robert Reid recently travelled by car across Europe to Moscow
In this programme he tells the story of his stay in the capital city of the Soviet Union. He introduces recordings made in the Kremlin, at the circus, on the metro, and at a football match, and of interviews with English - speaking Russians.
Produced by Arthur Phillips
Robert Reid writes on page 5
visits Swansea
See top of page and page 8
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
followed by late weather forecast for land areas