Gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
'My Faith and My Job'
Talk by a training college principal
Forecast for land areas
Charles Mackerras conducting his Light Orchestra
O.G.S. Crawford, who has learnt the language from his own cats over many years, talks about some of their habits, giving specimens of the vocabulary.
Records of movements from his Sixth Symphony (Pathetique)
The Saviour died. but rose again (BBC H.B. 497)
New Every Morning, page 99
Psalm 91, vv. 1-11 (Broadcast Psalter)
Acts 26, vv. 24-32
Soldiers, who are Christ's below (BBC H.B. 337)
Michael Ross tells the story of a ride by the sea that had a distressingly dampening effect on his wish to shine at a house-party
with Diana Decker, Max Jaffa, Peter Jones, Leslie A. Hutchinson ('Hutch'), Ethel Revnell
Woolf Phillips and his Orchestra
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Audrey Russell in a series of conversations with distinguished people of many interests.
A comedy for radio by Michael Brett
[Starring] Nancy Price, Robin Bailey and Denys Blakelock
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie)
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Iris Loveridge (piano)
The marches played by The Band of The Life Guards
Conducted by Lt.-Col. A. Lemoine, O.B.E., Director of Music
The waltzes played by The Raeburn Orchestra
Conductor, Wynford Reynolds
For Younger Listeners
'Badger's Beech'
Another adventure of the 'Deep Woodlanders' by Elleston Trevor
1 - 'Old Stripe and his Friends'
Produced by Trevor Hill
This is the first adventure of the Deep Woodlanders and was originally broadcast just over ten years ago. In it Potter, Stripey, and Woo set out to deal with a particularly annoying tump that has suddenly appeared in Badger's Beech, and find a new friend in little Digger Mole. Digger thinks that Deep Wood is 'the most delight-some place I ever did see in all me days.'
5.30 For Older Children
Now Showing in London
A review by Eric Gillett of some of the new films and plays
5.50 The week's programmes
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Elizabeth Fretwell (soprano)
Kendall Taylor (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
Polonaise (Eugene Onegin)
Tatiana's Letter Song (Eugene Onegin)
Andante Cantabile, for strings
Piano Concerto No. 1, in B flat minor
Theme and Variations (Suite No. 3, in G)
Dvorak Symphony No. 5, in E minor
by Hugh de Selincourt
Adapted for radio by R.J.B. Sellar
Cast in order of speaking: [see below]
with Maurice Bureau (piano)
Praeludium and Allegro (Kreisler, after Pugnani)
Piece en forme de habanera (Ravel)
on gramophone records
late weather forecast for land areas