Harold Smart at the BBC theatre organ
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, Frank Cantell
' Why I am entering the Ministry '
Talk by a student
Forecast for land areas
by a doctor.
Regional Variations (2)
Rugby League World Cup. Great Britain v. France: a report by Phil King from Sydney.
A gramophone miscellany including some of the latest issues
Deep Ocean Currents by J. C. Swallow, Ph.D. of the National Institute of Oceanography
Nancy Thomas (contralto)
Alfred Orda (baritone)
Josephine Lee (piano)
Records of movements from his symphonies
Love of the Father (BBC H.B. 522)
New Every Morning, page 102
Psalm 34, vv. 11-22 (Broadcast Psalter)
Romans 2, vv. 12-27
My soul, there is a country (BBC
H.B. 526)
Marcel Gardner and his Orchestra
Contributions by Norman Walker
The Granville Singers and Players
Directed by Cecil Woods
Introduced by Alexander Moyes Produced by Travers Thorneloe
and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket. Somerset v. Hants.
Morris Motors Band
Conductor, G. V. Brooks
Regional Variations (3)
Cricket. Middx. v. Yorks. and Lanes, v. Surrey.
The Week in the West.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Cyril Stapleton directs the BBC Show Band with Graham Stark , David Jacobs
The Stargazers
Harold Smart, Bert Weedon
Dennis Wilson
The Show Band Singers
Terry Burton and today's surprising guest
Johnny Gray
Script by Bill Kellie and Arthur Lay
Production by John Browell
Double Bill
'ONE-MAN JURY' by Michael Brett
2.25 app. THE GIRL
WHO KNEW TOO MUCH ' by Charles Hatton
(Continued in next column)
Plays produced by David H. Godfrey
Regional Variations (4)
Cricket. Further commentary.
Midland Counties Women's Amateur Athletic Association Championship: finals.
Cricket: further commentary. Motor Cycling: ' Cock o' the North ' Races. Bowls: Derby v. Yorks. Reading Amateur Regatta.
Reading Amateur Regatta
Commentaries from a launch following the crews; from a point down the course; and from the finishing line
Commentators: John Snagge
Raymond Glendenning
Brian Venner
Regional Variations (2)
Bowls: Welsh Open Singles Championship at Dinas Powis.
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Hilda Sachs (piano)
Regional Variations (2)
Agnes St. Temperance Silver Band: Gladys Thompson (soprano)
A digest of current affairs, compiled from programmes on events broadcast during the week
Regional Variations (2)
Midland Counties Women's Amateur Athletic Association Championship: finals.
Reading Amateur Regatta
Further commentaries
« Golf
(Toytown Rules)
A Toytown play by S. G. Hulme Beaman
Produced by Josephine Plummer
5.30 For Older Children
First Attempts
Young artists making their first broadcast
In Cardiff
Teleri Phillips introduces Veronica Drake (soprano)
Myra Lewis (piano)
Accompanist. Mary Kendall
In Manchester
Trevor introduces
Howard Ball (violin)
Accompanist, Mabel Hardy
In London
Barbara Sleigh introduces
Tony Price (singer)
At the organ: Charles Smart
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
As West.
News; sports report.
Sports results.
News, sport.
Sports Session
The day's sport reviewed in results, reports, and summaries, for listeners in South-East England
Today's programme includes:
6.15 Racing Results
6.30 app. Cricket
The latest scores of all first-class fixtures, and brief reports and comments on selected matches concerning South-Eastern counties
Reports by Pat Ward-Thomas on the final day of the English Open Amateur Stroke Play Championship at Moortown, and by Tom Scott on the Daks Professional Tournament at Wentworth
A report by Harold Abrahams on the highlights of the Kinnaird Trophy meeting at Chiswick
Sports Forum
Comments on topics of the moment by leading sportsmen, administrators, and journalists
Introduced by Jacob de Vries
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Guest, Scott Joynt (bass)
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies,
Donald MacDonald
Producer, Eric Arden
(Continued in next column)
Regional Variations (2)
Shw' Mae Heno?: Welsh Variety.
Interesting people who are
In Town Tonight
Edited and produced by Peter Duncan
John Ellison and Pauline Tooth
presenting Cicely Courtneidge and Jack Hulbert
David Hurst
Brendan O'Dowda
George Meaton
Tommy Reilly
Adele Leigh
Richard Murdoch
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Continuity by Eric Merriman
Production by Jacques Brown and John Kingdon
The novel by Margery Allingham
Adapted as a radio play by Felix Felton and Susan Ashman
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Production by Audrey Cameron
Regional Variations (2)
Family Prayers: the Rev. W. B. J. Martin.
Evening Prayers conducted by Father Agnellus Andrew , o.p.m. with the Westminster Diocesan Choir
Director. Father Wilfrid Purney
followed by late weather forecast for land areas