Primo Scala and his Accordion Band
Forecast for land areas
(Leader. Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Jack Leon
' Witnesses of the Risen Lord '
A series of talks by Lord Hemingford
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
As Prescribed: Dudley Savage (cinema organ).
Answers to this week's questions from listeners about household problems
played by the BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader. James Hutcheon )
Conductor, Gerald Gentry
from St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Birmingham. Celebrant, Father Joseph Gray
The action of the Mass described by the Most Rev. Francis Grim shaw, Archbishop of Birmingham
Introit: Victricem Manum (Plainsong) Kyrie (Byrd for four voices)
Gloria in Excelsis (Lux et origo:
Epistle: Acts 8. vv. 26-40
Gradual and Alleluia (Plainsong) Gospel: St. John 20. vv. 11-18 Credo (No 3: Plainsong) Offertory (Plainsong)
Motet: Surrexit Dominus
Sanctus (Byrd for four voices) Consecration
Benedictus (Byrd for four voices) Pater Noster
(Continued in next column)
Agnus Det (Byrd for four voices) Communion (Plainsong) Post Communion
Ite Missa est Blessing
Birmingham Catholic Choir under the direction of G. Williams
Organist, M. Beale
A gramophone record of his Violin Sonata in C minor, played by Max Rostal and Franz Osborn
Good Christian men. rejoice and sing
(BBC H.B. 103)
New Every Morning, page 96 Psalm 29 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 16. w. 1-8
Christ the Lord is risen again (BBC
H.B. 101)
Bernard Monshin and his Rio Tango Band
on gramophone records
Concertino in A, for strings (attrib.
Pergolesi, edit. Giuranna): I Musici
Symphony No. 41. in C (Jupiter) .
(Mozart): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Otto Klemperer
* Trial by Sasswood' by Esther Warner
A modern story of travel in Africa adapted by Becky Cocking
3 — ■ The Trial'
Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
from an engineering factory near Leicester with The Terry Sisters
Wyn Calvin
Margery Manners , Dick Bentley
Harry Engleman (piano)
Vic Mortiboys (bass) Bob Mansell (drums)
Introduced by Philip Garston-Jonea
Produced by James Pestridge
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (3)
As North
The Week Ahead.
Regional Variations (2)
A Living from the Land.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Alfred Swain (baritone) Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies. Arthur Ives
Producer, Eric Arden
(September 25, 1956)
S.A.B.C. Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Bram Verhoef )
Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent
(Recording made available by courtesy of the South African Broadcasting Corporation)
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic Service.
at Epsom
The Princess Elizabeth Stakes
A race for three-year-old fillies, run over a distance of one mile and 110 yards
Commentary by Raymond Glendenning, assisted by Roger Mortimer as race-reader
From the Grandstand
Records of music by Planquette. Offenbach, and Audran
by Anthony Juan Skene adapted from
' Les Visages de I'Ombre' by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac
Other parts played by Elma Soiron , Rudolph Offenbach and members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Produced by Michael Bakewell
(The recorded broadcast of April 1)
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour: story
Children's Hour: London Log.
For Children of Most Ages
Jo tells
' The True Tale of a Cat who Locked up his Mistress ' by Nina Talbot
5.10 Keep a Straight Bat
A series of three programmes in which Brian Johnston , with the help of S. C. Griffith , gives advice to young cricketers
1-The Batsman
5.30 For Older Children
' As I Before My Cottage Door'
A new series of Random Rural Reflections by C. Gordon Glover
Produced by David Davis
'It was a summer evening,
Old Kaspar 's work was done
And he before his cottage door, Was sitting in the sun,
And by him sported on the green His little grandchild Wilhelmine'
Forecast for land areas. folowed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
A programme for listeners in the South-East of England
6.15 Local news followed by Reports and comments
6.37 app. London Stock Market report
Regional Variations (2)
Pridd, Praidd a Phobl; farming discussion.
A fantasy for two pianos by Rawicz and Landauer
This week:
Music of the Light Operetta
Production by Johnnie Stewart
Regional Variations (3)
Farm Forum.
Ulster Farm.
A weekly programme about work in the world of science
Review of the Month
Report and comment on the events of the month in the world of science and technology including
The Night Sky in May by J. G. Porter , Ph.D., F.R.A.S.
The diagram shows the apparent path of the moon through the earth's shadow during the total eclipse on May 13.
Regional Variations (6)
Making Modern Man Whole: 11 — Conclusion.
As North
Stories from the Ballet: Mam'zelle Angot (Lecocq) ; The Two Pigeons (Messager). Narrator: Philip Cunningham; BBC Midland Light Orchestra, conductor, Gerald Gentry.
A Theatre and its Music: story of The County Theatre, Bangor.
Merry Neet: Cumbrian entertainment.
Anthony Pini (cello) Wilfrid Parry (piano)
Jennifer Vyvyan (soprano)
Ernest Lush (piano)
The Hirsch String Quartet:
Leonard Hirsch (violin) Leonard Dight (violin)
Stephen Shingles (viola) Francisco Gabarro (cello)
Sonata in D minor, for cello and piano
Ariettes oubliées:
C'est l'extase
II pleure dans mon coeur L'ombre des arbres
Chevaux de bois
String Quartet in G minor
Before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London. Tickets may be obtained from Ticket Unit, Broadcasting House. London, W.l
with Peter Sellers
Harry Secombe
Spike Milligan
The Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray
Orchestra conducted by Wally Stott
Announcer. Wallace Greenslade
Script by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens
Production by Pat Dixon
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 26)
Regional Variations (3)
Welsh Forum: discussion between Eirene White. m.p.. E. H. Garner-Evans. m.p., and H. Emlyn Hooson. Question-Master: Prof. J. E. Nichols.
Twenty-fifth anniversary of the present Shakespeare Memorial Theatre: feature.
Guest speaker:
T. E. Utley
Conservative political thinker and writer
Subject for discussion:
Conservatism as a Political Philosophy
In the chair, Niel Pearson
A shortened version of the proceedings at the fifteenth meeting of the current session
See top of page
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: prayers.
London Stock Market closing report, and a review of today's overseas commodity and financial news