The Feltkamp Quartet:
Johan Feltkamp (flute)
Perry Hart (violin)
Joke Vermeulen (viola)
Piet Lentz (cello)
by Robert Neild
Fellow of Trinity College. Cambridge (The recorded broadcast of April 20)
Mass: Ecce ego Joannes sung by the Schola Polyphonica
Director, Henry Washington From the Little Oratory Chapel.
Brompton Oratory. London
Last of three programmes
A puzzle in heredity solved by L. S. Penrose , F.R.S. Galton Professor of Eugenics,
' University College. London
'A New Species of Man covered with scales and, in some places, with bristles like those of a hedgehog, whose great-grandfather was found savage in North America': this was the advertisement for the third porcupine man when he exhibited himself in Fleet Street in 1819. Lies told by this man have helped to promote a crucial fallacy in modern genetics.
A selection from his poetry introduced by James Reeves
Reader, William Devlin
(The recorded broadcast of July 16)
René Soames (tenor)
Renata Scheffel-Stein (harp)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
The Harvey Phillips
String Orchestra
(Leader. Alan Loveday )
Conductor, Harvey Phillips They are not long, the weeping and the laughter; Ohl I would live in a dairy; What land of silence; A little, passionately, not at all?; Last night, ah yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine
Adagietto (Symphony No. 5)Mahler
A diptych in sound of the Coptic Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter, recorded In Cairo and the Eastern Desert by Winifred Holmes and Maurice Brown
Narration spoken by Derek Hart and Ivan Samsoa
I-Palm Sunday in ' The Hanging Church ' — El Mu'allaquah, Old Cairo
9.55 app. Paderewski (piano)
Le carillon de Cythere (Couperin)
Moment musical in A flat (D.780 No. 2)
By the brookside (Stojowski) on gramophone records
10.10 app. OPEN YE GATES '
2-Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Great Saturday, and Easter Day at St. Anthony's Monastery in the Eastern Desert
Wind Quintet (1922) played by the Marsyas Wind Quintet:
Clifford Seville (flute)
John Barnett (oboe)
Basil Tschaikov (clarinet)
Roger Birnstingl (bassoon)
Alan Civil (horn)
(The recorded broadcast of Jan. 14)