The Luton Band
Conductor, Albert Coupe
Forecast for land areas
and his Ballroom Orchestra
' Living in Two Worlds '
Talks by the Rev. Roy McKay
The Worship of God and the Service of Man
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
by John Fearon
John Fearon tells how he looked for his University fees-and for adventure-in Alaska while he was a student at Toronto University.
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. CyrUS and Croesus. Script by Rhoda Power.
All praise to thee, who safe hast kept
New Every Morning, page 64
Psalm 119, part 1 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 8, vv. 46-59
Judge eternal, throned in splendour
Harry Leader and his Band
Gramophone records of movements from
The Water Music played by the Boyd Neel Orchestra conducted by Boyd Neel
Calder Hall
followed by an interlude
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Reports from Britain and overseas
LET'S JOIN IN. Beppo's Adventure': an adaptation of M. Harrison 's original tale about a barrel-organ monkey who was lost and found
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. Schubert-1: an illustrated talk by Eileen Browne
2.40 HISTORY 11. ' Arkwright.' Script by R. J. White
A play for broadcasting by Phoebe M. Rees
This is the story of a chain of ghostly events at Bardon House in Somerset, leading to the discovery of the Bardon Papers which cast a new light on the trial of Mary Queen of Scots.
From St. Michael's College
Introit: Give us the wings of faith
Sentence; Confession; Absolution The Lord's Prayer Preces (Byrd) Psalm 89
First Lesson: Isaiah 55
Office Hymn: Lord of Creation, bow thine ear (E.H. 174)
Magnificat (Wood in D)
Second Lesson: St. Luke 1, vv. 1-4 Nunc dimittis (Wood in D)
Creed: Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Versicles and Responses: Collects Anthem: Justorum animae (Byrd) Prayers: the Grace
Organ Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C (Bach)
Organist and Director of the Music,
Kenneth Beard
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
1—Introducing the City: business centre of the world
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Paul Beard )
Conducted by Pedro de Freitas Branco
Are these, as Burke believed, ' The common disposition of the greatest part of mankind' or is the future of the British people really in the balance? Asa Briggs explores the situation in a series of five broadcasts.
3-The Shape of Our Society
Asa Briggs
Professor of Modern History in the University of Leeds
Graham Hutton
Sir John Wolfenden , C.B.&
Vice-Chancellor of Reading University
In earlier programmes Professor Briggs suggested that our need to increase output may often be frustrated by the values of British society. Tonight he criticises three particular features of our society which he believes are inimical to an expanding economy. He argues that we are too conservative, too impressed by our own past, and too divided by class.
Calder Hall Britain's first full-scale nuclear power station
Speeches by The Marquess of Salisbury, K.G.
Sir Edwin Plowden , K.C.B., K.B.E.
Her Majesty the Queen
Scene described by Raymond Baxter
followed by late weather forecast for land areas