Gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
'The Abiding Presence '
A further series of talks by Tom Fleming about God with us in daily life
Forecast for land areas
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
by Alistair Cooke
Dora Capey (contralto)
Veronica Hatten (flute)
Leo Wurmser (piano)
Records of his Symphony
0 Lord our God, arise (BBC H.B.
New Every Morning, page 61 Canticle 7 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 1. vv. 1-18
Hills of the north, rejoice (BBC H.B.
Marcel Gardner and his Orchestra
and his Band with Joan Anderson
(Harry Roy and his Band are appearing at the Femina Club, London)
A magazine programme edited and introduced by James Fisher
On Building a Nest
James Fisher discusses with Bruce Campbell and William Condry the way in which various birds build their nests, their nesting sites, and the different forms of nest construction
Tony Soper contributes a report from Walter Flesher
Produced by Winwood Reade
A programme of gramophone records from all points of view
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor Paul Fenoulhet
The Don Harper Quartet
Lucille Graham , Len Marten
Jimmy Parkinson , Arthur English
Presented by Bill Worsley
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Recollections of early flying by H. C. Biard
Captain Biard first took an aeroplane into the air (by mistake) in 1911. He recalls what it was like to fly in those days and some of the things that happened to him between then and 1919 when he was pilot of one of the first passenger-carrying services.
(Leader. Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Carmel Hakendorf (violin)
Francis Huxley describes some more of the strange legends and superstitions he came across during a year's stay with the Urubu Indians of Brazil
(The recorded broadcast of October 17. 1955. in the North of England Home Service)
Chelsea Wind Ensemble:
Douglas Whittaker (flute)
Janet Craxton (oboe)
Ralph Clarke (clarinet)
Richard Newton (bassoon)
Douglas Moore (horn)
by J. B. Priestley
Dramatised for radio in eight parts by Howard Agg
6 — ' The Princess of Maida Vale '
Other parts played by Joan Clement Scott , Janet Morrison
Production by Martyn C. Webster
(The recorded broadcast of November 24, 1955, in the Light Programme)
Directed by Edward Rubach in a programme of romance and rhythm
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Studies of famous singers on gramophone records
This week:
Galli-Curci, Tito Schipa and GiuseDDe de Luca
See top of page Part 1: Mozart
Part 2:
Walton Eric Mason writes on page 4
See foot of page
late weather forecast for land areas