Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, David Curry
Canon E. F. Carpenter reads from the Bible and comments
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh talk by a doctor
Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra
Henry Hinds (bass)
Havelock Nelson and May Turtle
(two pianos)
Interval Music
Awake mv soul (S.P. 25. omitting vv.
2. 4 and Parts 2 and 3: A. and M. 3, omitting vv. 2, 4 and Part 2: C.H. 256. omitting vv. 2. 4, 5: P. and H. 172. omitting v. 3: Tune. Morning Hymn)
Interlude: ' The Boyhood of Jesus' Prayers; the Prayer for God's Presence: the Lords Prayer
Be thou my vision (BBC Supplement
2; C.H. 477, omitting vv. 4, 5: Tune: Slane)
Regional Variations (2)
For Welsh Schools. Rhigwm a Chan.
Interval music
A programme in simple French, in which listeners are invited ta take an active part. Script by Jean-Jacques Oberlin.
Scène: 'A la Gare d'Austerlitz.' Monsieur and Madame Lefort meet their niece, Marie-Thercse, at the station.
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Morning Service.
Come, my soul, thou must be waking
(BBC H.B. 404)
New Every Morning, page 87 Psalm 100 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 3. vv. 14-21
0 heavenly Word, eternal Light (BBC
H.B. 37)
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. The Storv of Wales: Roman Invasion of Britain.
music AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie Eele
Repeated on Thursday at 9.55 a.m.
11.20 CENTRAL SCIENCE. Heat. I-Early Ideas About Heat. Script by J. G. Porter , Ph.D.
11.40 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. 'Jesus Christ: History, Interpretation and Faith.' 1-A Historical Religion: introductory talk by Robert C. Walton
and his Orchestra
from a factory at Strood, Kent
with Jack Emblow, Marjorie Wieland, Patti Lewis, Jon Pertwee
James Moody (piano) Bert Weedon (guitar) Max Abrams (drums)
Presented by Bill Gates
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Mary Stocks , Jeremy Thorpe
Sir Robert Boothby , K.B.F., M.P .
The Rt. Hon.
Emanuel Shinwell M.P ,.
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From the Church House.
Mullion, Cornwall
STORIES AND RHYMES. ' The Twins with Stars in their Foreheads': a Portuguese fairy-tale adapted for broadcasting by Norma Douglas-Henry
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH ii. Charles Dickens : a biographical programme. Script by Gladys Scott Thomson
2.45 NATURE STUDY. 'The Little Owl.' Script by Christine Dudley. (BBC recording)
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra:
Overture: Donna Diana (Reznicek)
Philharmonia Orchestra:
Symphony No. 4, in F minor (Tchaikovsky)
Entr'acte. Act 4 (Khovanshchina)
Joyeuse Marche (Chabrier) on gramophone records
A commentator's programme about people and places
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. ' Exploring the Hut Country ' with Betty. lain and the Hut-Man. ' The Boys of Glen Morroch —1: serial.
Children's Hour in Welsh. Story. BBC Welsh Orchestra. Talk.
A Nursery Sing-Song with Vi and Herbert
' The Four Umbrellas' by Doris Rust told by Rosalie Williams
5.25 For Children of Most Ages
' C for Children, and H for Hour' Geoffrey gives the results of the competition he set on August 21 and Day Out
Last of a new series of holiday excursions by W. R. Dalzell
3-Penshurst Place
A visit to the home of Lord De L'Isle and Dudley, v.c., and the house in the heart of Kent where the great Elizabethan scholar and soldier, Sir Philip Sidney , was born. The house is notable, among many things, for its splendid Baron's Hall, with the original timbered roof and for the armoury.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey
Regional Variations (3)
Pipes and Drums by the Clan Fraser Pipe Band.
The Mystery Story of the Future: talk by L. A. Knight.
An all-in comedy match between Freddie Sales
Wyn Calvin , Leslie Adams
Inter-round notes by the Peter Crawford Trio and the BBC Northern Dance Band
Promoted by James Casey
Regional Variations (2)
Encore!: highlights of the musical stage. Heather Harper: John Hargreaves; BBC Midland Chorus and Light Orchestra.
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Fritz Lehmann
Overture: The Impresario (Mozart)
Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Guido Cantelll
Symphony No. 4, in A (The Italian)
N.B.C. Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Arturo Toscaninl
Dawn and Siegfried's Rhine Journey
(The Twilight of the Gods)
(Wagner) on gramophone records
Regional Variations (2)
'Laansen Zizes': Cornish dialect story.
by J. B. Priestley
At the Citizens' Theatre in Glasgow J. B. Priestley yesterday unveiled a memorial plaque to James Bridie, the Scottish playwright who died in 1951. Tonight he speaks of Bridie's place in the theatre.
An anthology of Anglo-American off-beat humour
Compiled by David Climie with Miriam Karlin , Kenneth Connor
Deryck Guyler , Graham Stark Georgia Brown , David Jacobs
Music composed by Stanley Myers additional music by Alfred Ralston played by Malcolm Lockyer and his Off-Beats
Produced by Roy Specr
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Regional Variations (3)
As North
BBC Northern Orchestra: Symphony No. 31 in D (K.297) (Paris) (Mozart); Suite. Rakastava (Sibelius): Symphony No. 5 in D (Vaughan Williams).
Brompton Oratory Choir
Director, Henry Washington
From the Little Oratory Chapel
Regional Variations (2)
Ten Years After
A series of specially chosen programmes
The experiences of a musician on military service by Jeremy Sandford with Ian Lubbock and Gerald Fox-Salamon.
Music composed by Jeremy Sandford and conducted by Charles Mackciras
Produced by David Thomson
Series edited by David Thomson
late weather forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: prayers.
A review of today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report