Primo Scala and his Accordion Band
Forecast for land areas
Conducted by Arthur Anton
Canon E. F. Carpenter reads from the Bible and comments
Forecast tor land areas
London Theatre Orchestra
(Led by David Wolfsthal )
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
by George Campbell
The name Granada had always conjured up romantic associations-Moorish buildings, the Alhanibra with its hanging gardens, Gypsies dancing, the music of guitars—so the journey was begun with some excitement. But to travel hopefully is not always to arrive.
Barbara Hill (piano)
Jürgen Hess (violin)
Frederick Stone (piano)
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT t. bv Marjorie Eele
Gracious Spirit. Holy Ghost (BBC
H.B. 153)
New Every Morning, page 93 Psalm 16 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 4. vv. 1-14
Dear Master, in whose life I see (BBC
H.B. 319)
Hugh James and his Orchestra
Rhythm and Melody
Gladys Whitred
11.20 Geography: Africa: Journey into the Kalahari
Colonel Laurens van der Post is interviewed by David Lloyd James about his experiences in the Kalahari.
11.40 Intermediate German: Wer weiss es?
Wahrend der ersten Sendung des Schuljahres werden unsere Zuhorer die Gelegenheit haben, mancherlet Fragen zu beantworten.
Manuskript von Else Johannsen-Wagner
Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
from a factory canteen in Ashton-under-Lyne
with Derek Roy, Billy McCormack, Mike and Bernie Winters, The Gaunt Brothers
The Harry Hayward Trio
Introduced by Randal Herley
Produced by James Casey
Forecast for land areas, followed bv a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Harry Davidson 's Orchestra and his Folk Dance Band
Cherry Lind (soprano)
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies. Bill Groves
Caller, Jack Hamilton
Producer. Stanton Jefferies
ADVENTURES in ENGLISH, Pepe Moreno : a Spanish story hy Eric Allen , adapted by Sam Langdon. Part 1
2.20 HISTORY i St. Alphege and the Danes.' Script by Jo Manton
2.40 screNCK and Tire COMMUNITY. The Fight Against Germs. 1—Microbes Everywhere Script by Richard Palmer and James McCloy
A play for radio by Eric Ewens
Adapted from the novel by Christopher Isherwood
[starring] Howard Marion-Crawford and David Peel
The action of the play takes place in the autumn and winter of 1933-34
(The recorded broadcast of October 31, 1955)
For Children of Most Ages
Bees in my Bonnet
Another paper and pencil quiz devised and presented by Elwyn Price
5.15 When Birds Do Sing
Ludwig Koch plays some of his famous recordings to Derek Jones
Music by the Michael Watson Trio with guitar solo by Michael Watson and ' A Day's Work ' by Johnny Morris
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
(Leader, Maurice Taylori
Conducted by Michael Krein
The Hurwitz Chamber Ensemble
Before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London. Tickets may be obtained from Ticket Unit, Broadcasting House, London, W.l
Mozart's Divertimento (K.I36) was written in Salzburg in 1772, when he was sixteen. According to Alfred Einstein, the title 'Divertimento' is a misnomer, supplied by a publisher and not by Mozart himself. In all probability the work is an Italian Overture for strings, written for a definite occasion.
The Concertino is from a set of six published at The Hague by Carlo Ricciotti, in 1740, four years after Pergolesi's death, under the title ' Concerti armonici.' The title-page of the publication suggests that the Concertinos were actually composed by Ricciotti, but the dedicatory epistle describes them as ' the product of an illustrious hand,' and some authorities believe that this phrase refers to Pergolesi, although there is no actual proof of his having composed the Concertinos. Harold Rutland
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train and Kenneth Home ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Presented by C. F. Meehan
by Magda Laszlo (soprano) with Frederick Stone (piano)
' The Uglv Duckling' for voice and piano, was written in 1914 and revised in 1932. Based on the story by Hans Andersen , it tells how a brood of ducklings was hatched out one fine day, and how the mother-duck was pleased with her offspring, except for the last arrival, an ugly little creature; and how the ugly duckling eventually turned into a beautiful white swan. H. R.
A snapshot album of sounds from an evening's boating expedition in Shetland Narrator, Laurence Graham
Shetland music by Willie Hunter , Jnr. and Willie Johnson
Devised and produced by Archie P. Lee
late weather forecast for land areas