Foden's Motor Works Band
Conductor, Rex Mortimer
and forecast tor farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra.
A talk for United Nations Week by Cecil Northcott
' The Most Important Person in the World'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A midweek bulletin of food news
Regional Variations (2)
A Mozart Symphony (records).
Henrietta Byrne (soprano)
Havelock Nelson (piano)
Cathleen Wright and Sadie Sloan
(two pianos)
Irish songs by Hamilton Harty.
Dorothy Parke. Havelock Nelson , and Herbert Hughes
Talk by Patrick Macnaghten
Not long ago Mr. Macnaghten visited a provincial museum : he describes some things that amused and interested him.
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. King Sigurd the Crusader ': a story from the Scandinavian sagas. Script by Phyllis Drayson.
Praise ye the Lord (BBC H.B. 280) New Every Morning, page 58
Psalm 119. part 3 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 14, vv. 1-11
Rise up. 0 men of God (BBC H.B.
Jack White and his Band
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. Early Stages in Welsh-2.
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. Ex-traits du 'Bourgeois Genlilhomme': les scenes suivantes interpreters par les acteurs de la Comédie-Française: Acte 2. Scène 4: Acte 3. Scenes 3. 12: Acte 4. Scenes 3, 4: Acte 5, Scene 1
Regional Variations (2)
For Farmers.
on gramophone records
and Mme. Craveiro Lopes
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (2)
' At the Luscombes serial.'
Reports from Britain and overseas
Regional Variations (2)
The Farmer: magazine.
Records by some popular bands
Introduced by David Jacobs
Let's Join In
'Dan the Goat Boy and Brave Bee' and 'Timid Rabbit and Brave Bee': two old tales adapted for broadcasting by D. J. Saint
A concert on records, introduced by Helen Henschel.
2.40 History II. 'Prison Life: Fielding.'
Script by Henry Marshall
A radio play by Leslie Halward from a story of modern Flanders by Johan Fabricius and Produced by Peter Dews
by Len Ortzen
On the third Tuesday of every month a magistrate presides over a law court in a market town in France. The sitting coincides with a number of other local activities, and a good time is had by all.
from Exeter Cathedral
Adoramus te, Christi (di Lasso)
Versicles and Responses (Morley) Psalm 119, vv. 145-176
First Lesson: Proverbs 4, v. 20, to 5, v. 14
Magnificat (Wood in G-Double Choir) Second Lesson: St. Luke 10, vv. 1-24 Nune dimittis (Wood in G-Double
Versicles and Responses (Morley) Collects
Anthem: When David heard that
Absalom was slain (Weelkes)
Prayer and the Grace
Organ Voluntary: Prelude in C (
B. C. Bairstow )
Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Reginald Moore
A programme for older people
Canadian Winters Long Ago: forty years ago Dora Dorey 's family went to live in Toronto. She recalls the delights of winter there. Time on Your Hands: Lt.-Col. C. Barton-Innes talks about his hobby of engraving
Presented by Richard Baker
' Tim of Tamberly Forest '
A serial play in four episodes from the book by Irene Byers dramatised by Denis Constanduros
4-' The End of the Year '
Narrator, Derek Jones
Produced by Mollie Austin
Mike Bates continues his persecution of Tim, but goes too far and lands himself in trouble. Then all personal feuds are forgotten in the fight against a forest fire and Mike lends a hand with the rest.
5.30 ' I Live on the Rock '
A series of talks recorded by John D. Stewart 4 — ' The Ants of Andalusia '
Piano solos played by Havelock Nelson
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by Father Patrick McEnroe
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News. sport
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport. News in Welsh.
A comment on the home news
Speaker, John Watson
including extracts from the recorded commentary on the Cambridgeshire
played by Tayside Country Dance Band
Regional Variations (6)
Place-Names of Scotland-4.
Morecambe and Wise in Double Trouble: Variety.
Teulu'r Siop: Welsh serial.
Air Space: correspondence.
As North
Episode 2
Script written by Godfrey Harrison
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
A series of five programmes about the region between Egypt and Persia
2-Arabs and Islam
An illustrated talk by Walid Khalidi
Lecturer in Arabic Studies in the University of Oxford
Two of the strongest influences in the Middle East today are Arab nationalism and the impulse towards unity among Moslem peoples. But some of the countries of the Middle East are not Arab, and some are not Moslem.
Mr. Khalidi discusses the implications of the situation, and the influence and effect of Islam and Arab nationalism in the Middle East today.
See top of page
Part 1
Regional Variations (3)
Smoke Over the City: talk by E. Estyn Evans
A Matter of Opinion.
Part 2
Regional Variations (6)
Talk on W. H. Auden by Richard Hoggart.
Association Football. English League v. Scottish League.
As North
Adventures in Belief: last talk by Canon Bryan Green.
Coastal Magazine: Bridgwater Bay.
2-Integrityby Geoffrey Grigson
The second talk in a series of three dealing with independence, integrity, and curiosity is illustrated from the life and tragedy of the poet John Clare.
Regional Variations (4)
Midland Poets.
Northern Ireland Light Orchestra
Work and Witness: account of Welsh religious life.
Chappie D'Amato introduces some of this month's new records
late weather forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: prayers.
A review of today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report