A reading for Sunday morning from J. R. Illingworth 's
' Christian Character '
Read by Sylvia Read
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader. John Sharpe )
Conductor, Charles Mackerras
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Ivor Keys
From the Church of St. Mary the Virgin. Nottingham
The second of six talks on Augustus Hare by Humphrey Higgens
Hare, as a boy, was passionately eager for instruction, but the tutors he was sent to were either idle or eccentric and of his time at Harrow he said: A boy's school education at this time, except in the highest forms, was hopelessly inane.'
Reader, Richard Hurndall
Hare at Oxford and abroad
Conducted by Sir Gerald Barry
Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace Radio: Tom Hopkinson Book: Margaret Lane
Art: Denis Mathews
Film: George Campbell Dixon
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Head of a Hobby
Their Eyes and Ears with some notes on their sense of smell
James Fisher introduces
Peter Mailer of the Ornithological Field Station, Cambridge University, an authority en the hearing of birds Stuart Smith , who discusses the avian eye. of which he has made a study
Walter Flesher , gamekeeper, who, from years of observation out of doors, has learned much of the ways in which different birds use their eyes and ears and, perhaps, their sense of smell
Programme edited by James Fisher
Produced by Brandon Acton-Bond
Arthur Calder-Marshall
This week he talks about four new novels: That Uncertain Feeling ' by Kingsley Amis, 'The Fall of The Sparrow ' by Nigel Balchin , The Step-mother ' by R. C. Hutchinson , and ' A Perfect Woman ' by L. P. Hartley.
Godfrey Kenton and Hugh Burden i
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
with Gwydion Brooke (bassoon)
A series of weekly programmes by Antony Hopkins
C. A. Joyce introduces a dramatised illustration of the problem of right relations between old and young, and discusses it with the Rev. Derrick Greeves
Recorded illustration devised by R. T. Brooks and provided by Shirley King
Violet Carson , and Rosalie Williams
Appeal on behalf of the National Free Church Women's Council
(Women's Section of the Free Church Federal Council) by the President, Mrs. C. R. Batten
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The National Free Church Women's Council was founded, as Mothers' and Girls' Guilds, in 1908 under the leadership of Lady Herbert Lewis , O.B.E., for the purpose of rescue and preventive work among women and girls.
Today the National Council, together with local councils in many parts of the country, maintains homes for the aged, a maternity home for unmarried mothers, hostels for business girls and women, a home for girls needing special care, and a children's home.
Part 1
by Nikolaus Pevsner
2-Hogarth and Observed Life
Hogarth declared himself a ' Britophil ' and regarded foreigners as * interlopers.' His work illustrates, in Dr. Pevsner's view, several of the strongest and most enduring of English characteristics. He was intent upon the vivid reporting of what the eye had seen, and with it, to preach a sermon.
The English interest in narrative, fact, and detail, is contrasted with the Continental ' grand manner,' whether expressed in allegory or large religious * pictures. This interest has persisted certainly since the Early Middle Ages, when English artists working in wood, stone, and embroidery, produced work of a kind and quality not found elsewhere.
Next week: Reynolds and Detachment
These lectures will be printed in ' The Listener '
Myra Verney (soprano) Wilfred Brown (tenor) with Ernest Lush (piano)
Les cloches (Paul Bourget ) Le jet d'eau (Baudelaire) Romance (Paul Bourget )
Ariettes oubliees (Verlaine):
C'est 1'extase: II pleure dans mon coe'ur; L'ombre des arbres: Green;
Spleen Trois Chansons de France:
La Grotte (Tristan Lhermite)
Rondels: Pour ce que plaisance est fnorte: Le temps a laissie son manteau (Charles d'Orleans)
The last of four Debussy programmes
by L. P. Hartley
An appreciation by a personal friend of one of the great hostesses of Victorian and Edwardian days, who was also a writer and a social worker and who, by her intelligence and charm, impressed all who knew her.
Director, Safford Cape on gramophone records
Resvelons-nous, amoureux (Dufay) Virgine bella (Dufay)
J'attendray tant qu'il vous playra
El grillo (Josquin des Pres)
N'esse pas un grand deplaisir
(Josquin des Pris)
Tant que vivray (Claudin de Sermisy) II est bel et bon (Passereau)
Ronde, allemande, and salterelle
(Tielman Susato)
' Go ye and teach all nations '
Psalm 145, vv. 1-12 (Broadcast Psalter) From 2 Timothy, chapter 2
My God, my King, thy gracious praise
(BBC H.B. 13)
St. Matthew 28, vv. 19 and 20
late weather forecast for land areas