and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conductor, Frank Cantell
A talk for United Nations Week by Cecil Northcott
' Enemy Number One '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Food facts from port and mart
Compiled by Louise Davies
Le Long des Quais
sung by Alfred Deller (counter-tenor) with Desmond Dupre (lute) on gramophone records
Greensleeves (anon)
Where the bee sucks; Full fathom five (Johnson)
'Peg-a-Ramsay (anon.)
0 mistress mine (Morley)
Sing willow, willow (anon)
It was a lover and his lass (Morley)
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
TIME AND TUNE, by Kay Foster
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. The Language of the Visual Arts. 6-A summing up by Hervey Adams.
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Variety: Douglas Maynard
Radio: The Radio Revellers
Theatre: Lizbeth Webb
In Town Today:
Tony Fayne and David Evans
Presented by Bill Worsley
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A challenger from one of the counties of Britain is invited to test a panel's knowledge of his county and its customs
The Panel:
James Laver , Ivor Machin
Christopher Rhodes
John Stevens
Chairman, Victor Bonham-Carter
Programme devised and compiled by Alan White
Produced by Joan Clark
TRAVEL TAI.KS. Village Life in Mexico. Script by Marjorie Gallop. (BBC recording)
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. The Story of Stradivari, the violin maker of Cremona. Script by Philippa Pearce
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I. ' Egil at York ': an episode from the Icelandic Saga of Egil Skallagrimsson telling how the poet Egil met King Erik Blood-Axe and Queen Gunnhild, and was helped by Arinbjorn. Translated from the Icelandic and adapted for broadcasting by Alan Boucher
A story of the life and work of the educational pioneer
Dr. Maria Montessori
The programme includes reminiscences of Dr. Montessori by those who knew her, and recordings made during lessons in London nursery and primary schools
Script by Kate Derrington
Narrator, Hugh Burden
Dr. Maria Montessori played by Molly Rankin
Production by Eileen Capel
(The recorded broadcast of Sept. 6)
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Gwynne Edwards (viola)
by John Galsworthy
Adapted as a serial play in twelve episodes by Muriel Levy
' Operation Sea-Beast '
A three-part serial by J. Allan Rennie
1-' Raiders from the Sea '
Produced by Finlay J. Macdonald
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
with the British Council of Churches
Talk by the Rev. Kenneth Slack, M.B.E .
The British Council of Churches has been meeting this week in Manchester. Mr. Slack gives news of its work and future plans.
Alma Cogan , June Whitfield with Wallas Eaton , The Keynotes
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
late weather forecast for land areas