and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conductor, Frank Cantell
Talks for All Saints' Tide by Professor John Foster
6 - St. Boniface, Apostle of Germany
(A.D. 716)
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Food facts from port and mart to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh light music.
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Interval music
Awake my soul (S.P. 25. omitting w.
2 and 4. and Part 2 and 3; A. and M. 3. omitting vv. 2 and 4. and Part 2: C.H. 256. omitting vv. 2. 4, 5; P. and H. 172. omitting v. 3: Tune, Morning Hymn)
Interlude: ' The Dedication of the Temple '
Prayers; the Prayer for Happiness; the Lord's Prayer
0 worship the King (S.P. 618; A. and M. 167: C.H. 9; P. and H. 17; all omitting vv. 3, 5: Tune, Hanover)
Visite a Fontainebleau
with the Feodor Potorjinsky Russian Choir on gramophone records
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. Physical Training For Use in Classrooms.
by Marjorie Eele
(Recording of Wednesday's broadcast)
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Morning Service.
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
(BBC H.B. 137)
New Every Morning, page 87
Psalm 119. part 5 (Broadcast psalter) St. Luke 16. vv. 19-31
Lead, kindly light (BBC H.B. 306)
George Scott-Wood and his Accordion Band
TIME AND TUNE,by Kay Foster
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS i. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. Current Affairs
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Forum: tenth anniversary.
A radio correspondence column
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Variety: Joan Small
Records: Harry Jacobson
Radio: Robert Moreton
In Town Today: Issy Bonn
Presented by Bill Worstey
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A challenger is invited to test a panel's knowledge of his county and its customs
The Panel:
James Laver , Ivor Machin
Christopher Rhodes , John Stevens
Chairman, Victor Bonham-Carter
Programme devised and compiled by Alan White
Produced by Joan Clark
Regional Variations (2)
The Farmer.
(cello) with Ernest Lush (piano) on gramophone records
Beau soir (Debussy, arr. Heifetz) Fileuse; Elegie (Fauri)
Piece en forme de habanera (Ravel) Granadina (Joaquin Nin)
TRAVEL TALKS. The Panama Canal ': talk bv Major Eric Dutton , cm. a., C.B.E.
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. John Minton and Roger Smithells talk about the design and use of wallpapers in the decoration of rooms
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH 7. ' Sir Andrew Barton ': a traditional ballad about a famous Scottish sea captain of the sixteenth century
Regional Variations (2)
The Nene Valley Singers Male Choir.
Music to suit the mood of an autumn afternoon featuring
Patrice Munsel , Lauritz Melchior
Eileen Farrell. Hayes Gordon
Jan Peerce , Robert Merrill and the Al Goodman Orchestra
(Leader. Philip Whiteway) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Liza Fuchsqva (piano)
by John Galsworthy
Adapted by Muriel Levy
Part 2
* Operation Sea-Beast *
A three-part serial by J. Allan Rennie
2-' The Sea-Beast's Lair '
Produced by Finlay J. Macdonald
(John Carlin is appearing in Point of Departure ' at the Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow: Michael Elder , in ' Our Maggie' at the Gateway Theatre, Edinburgh)
5.35 For Older Children
Talking Time
10 - ' The Redmen of Stony
Rapids ' by John Hillaby
They do not wear Hiawatha head-dresses or carry tomahawks, but they are still there in the barren land of North Canada. John Hillaby attended a powwow there and brought back records of their songs and weird cries.
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
Today's results and weekend preview
Introduced by John Snagge
Regional Variations (6)
The Week in the West.
Ulster Mirror.
' What Goes On': magazine.
News in Welsh.
Record requests.
Ena Mitchell (soprano)
Denis Weatherley (bass-baritone)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Last of four programmes of folk songs
by J. G. Porter , Ph.D., F.R.A.S.
This month Dr. Porter talks about the planet Jupiter and the eclipse of the Moon on November 29.
The diagram shows the night sky in November looking East at midnight, and the movement of the planet Jupiter.
Regional Variations (3)
Competition for Welsh students (in Welsh).
Country Fare
Highlights of the Show World
Stars of the stage, screen, radio, and concert platform, with the augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Produced by John Simmonds
Regional Variations (5)
The Northcountryman.
As North
The Faith in the West.
The sardonic in Scottish traditions: talk by Hilton Brown.
Hugh Trevor-Roper writes on page 9
Alma Cogan. June Whitfield with Wallas Eaton , The Keynotes
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Conducted by Harry Rabinowitz
Announcer. David Dunhill
Script bv
Frank Muir and Denis Norden
Produced by Charles Maxwell
(Jimmy Edwards is appearing in ' The Talk of the Town ' at the Adelphi Theatre; Wallas Eaton , in ' The Water Gipsies ' at the Winter Garden Theatre, London)
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
Myra Hess (piano)
Brahms's three piano sonatas are all youthful works. The last and finest of them, in F minor, was completed towards the end of 1853, when he was twenty. It is a work of sombre power, in five movements. The first is marked Allegro maestoso. The second movement, Andante, is prefaced by a quotation from Sternau, of which the following is a translation : ' Twilight falls and the moon shines, while Heaven joins two hearts in love.' After a brilliant Scherzo (Allegro energico) the theme of the Andante recurs in a modified form, in an Intermezzo sub-titled Riickblick (Retrospect). The extended finale is marked Allegro moderato ma rubato.
Harold Rutland
Regional Variations (6)
Van Gogh in the North: talk by Basil Taylor.
As North
For Your Information.
Motoring and the Motorist.
Book review by Charles Causley.
by Tyrone Guthrie
Dr. Guthrie has recently returned from Stratford, a little town in Western Ontario. He describes how the idea of a Shakespearean Festival there was brought about by a young man called Tom Patterson , who ' made of himself such an unmitigated pest' that he finally got his own way.
followed by late weather forecast for land areaa
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: prayers.
A review of today's overseas commodity and financial news. and the London Stock Market closing report