Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Tipica Orchestra
' Thou shalt pray to him and he shall hear you' (Job 22, v. 27)
Bible reading and comment by Father Agnellus Andrew , O.F.M.
My prayer is just words '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Dudley Savage (cinema organ). Patients' requests.
Anton and his Orchestra
Talk by Alan Vickers
The Chief Medical Officer of the Flying Doctor Service of Australia tells listeners about some health problems of the outback which may be our problems too.
Robert Furnival tells how he found drift.wood in a cave in Cornwall and made it into a garden seat
Westminster Male Voice Quartet:
Sidney Horwood (alto) Harry Barnes (tenor)
William Brown (baritone)
Kenneth Tudor (bass)
Pamela Petchey (piano)
Conducted by Nicolai Malko on gramophone records
Waltz Fantasy (Glinka) ; Intermezzo (Voyevoda) (Tchaikovsky); Dance of the Young Maidens (Gayaneb) (Khachaturyan); Russian Sailors' Dance (The Red Poppy) (Gliere)
The Son of God goes forth to war
(BBC Hymn Book 235)
New Every Morning, page 99
Psalm 118. vv. 15-24
Judges 6. vv. 25-31
Believe not those who say (BBC
Hymn Book 317)
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
with Jean Neveu (piano) on gramophone records
Tzigane (Ravel)
Bagatelle (Scarlatescu)
Directed by Henry Croudson with Tom Webster
(vibraphone and xylophone)
Gentlemen v. Players
Commentary by E. W. Swanton
From Lord's
from Bentham, near Lancaster
with Derek Roy, Eve Boswell, Eddie Arnold, The Kentones
Jimmy Leach at the electric organ
Fred Harries at the piano
Regional Variations (4)
The Week Ahead.
As North
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket. Glamorgan v. Yorkshire. From Neath.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Catherine Lawson
Introduced by Frederick Allen
Master of Ceremonies,
Charles Crathorn
Producer, Stanton Jefferies
and his Latin-American Orchestra with Kyra Leroy
Louise Marshall (mezzo-soprano)
Daniel Kelly (piano)
Joan Barker (piano)
by Rex Rienits
Cast in order of speaking:
Produced by Ayton Whitaker
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket. Further commentary.
Gentlemen v. Players
Further commentary
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour. ' Alison Abroad ' in Malta.
' What Became of the Little Snake '
A story by M. Grant Cormack
Read by John McCavert
Cottage Airs played by the Shuilers
Songs sung by Sean McLoughlin
5.25 ' A Day Out' with Eric Hemery on Dartmoor
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
News. sport.
News. sport
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, views, and personalities of the record world
This week's personality:
Vera Lynn
Visitor from Hungary:
. Matyas Seiber
(Continued in next column)
' Inside Story '
Alan Freeman on running a one-man record company
Programme introduced by Denis Preston
Produced by Derek Chinnery
Regional Variations (4)
' Having a Wonderful Time ': a visit to Southport.
Mine Eyes have seen the Glory
Jeanne Heal introduces ' Songs for Everybody.' April Cantelo (soprano): Rowland Jones (tenor): Roderick Jones (baritone); Milford Haven Ladies Choir; BBC Welsh Orchestra.
from the Royal Air Force,
Melksham, Wilts with Bernard Miles
Carole Carr , Johnny Lockwood
The Four in A Chord
The Ron Millington Trio
Presented by Duncan Wood
Regional Variations (3)
'Then Winter Came ': play by Kenneth Bird.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Overture: The Secret Marriage (Cimarosa); Two Poems: Winter. Spring (Bloch); Symphony No. 1. in B flat (Schumann).
Aeolian String Quartet: Sydney Humphreys (violin)
Trevor Williams (violin)
Watson Forbes (viola)
John Moore (cello)
This is one of a series of concerts in which quartets, quintets, and sextets of Brahms will be played
See foot of page
Regional Variations (3)
Tom Jenkins with the Scar-borough Palm Court Orchestra; Doris Gambell (soprano).
As North
A discussion
by W. Somerset Maugham
Adapted for radio as a serial in twelve parts by Howard Agg
Produced by Anthony Pelissier
2â' The Choice '
Philip Carey is an orphan, and has come to live with his uncle and aunt, the Rev. and Mrs. William Carey, in the small fishing town of Blackstable in Kent, where Mr. Carey is vicar. Philip has a club foot, and is a shy, sensitive child; he goes away to school at Tercanbury, where the other boys soon discover his deformity and make fun of him. He has, however, one friend, Herbert Lawson, who is about his own age and who also comes from the village of Blackstable.