Barrow Shipyard Band
Conductor, Herbert Sutcliffe
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
' In the Day of Trouble '
Talk by John Tiarks Provost of Bradford
Light in the Darkness
and forecast for farmers and shipping
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
A midweek bulletin of food news.
Compiled by Louise Davies
Speaker, M. Jean Conil
Maurice Whitbread describes some of his experiences as a travelling salesman in Canada, where he went from door to door selling brushes
Pamela Petts (soprano)
Ernest Lush (piano)
The London Trio:
Bessie Rawlins (violin)
Helen Just (cello)
Eric Gritton (piano)
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' A Modern Troubadour.' adapted by Sydney Carter from Burl Ives 's autobiography ' Wayfaring Stranger.'
Look. ye saints (BBC Hymn Book
New Every Morning, page 33
Canticle 12 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 7, vv. 51-60
Christ, above all glory seated
The Blue Rockets
Directed by Ronnie Rand
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
in Great Britain
(registered under the War Charities Act, 1940)
' Polish Airmen's Week '
Talk by Marshal of the Royal Air Force
Sir John Slessor
G.C.B., D.S.O., M.C.
Reports from Britain and overseas
and his Band with Brian Johnson
LET'S JOIN IN. ' Home on the Range a story about cowboys by E Morgan
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. ' Hiawatha's Wedding Feast first of three illustrated talks by Reginald Jacques
2.40 HISTORY II. William Morris. ' Well-furnished Houses ': a standard is set of craftsmanship in furnishing and interior decoration of people's houses. Script by R. J. White
Latest results and commentary by Max Robertson and Rex Alston
From the All England Club,
from Bristol Cathedral
Confession; Absolution; the Lord's
Versicles and Responses (Bristol use) Psalms 114, 115
First Lesson: Malachi 3, w. 1-6
The great forerunner of the morn
(A. and M. 415) '
Magnificat (Ireland in F)
Second Lesson: St Luke 1, vv. 5-23 Nunc dimittis (Ireland in F) Creed
Lesser Litany and Responses (Bristol use)
Anthem: This' is the record of John
(Orlando Gibbons)-
Prayers and Grace
Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Clifford Harker
J. Armfield Bindon , who is an artist, tells of a journey he took in Africa to find subjects to paint
For Older Children
Alec Clunes in ' The Island of Sheep ' by John Buchan
Adapted as a serial play in sixparts by Felix Felton
6-' The Riddle of the Tablet'
Produced by David Davis
When Lombard, Peter John, and Richard Hannay reached Haraldsen's island in the Norlands, they found that Haraldsen and his daughter Anna had already arrived. He showed them over his wonderful home, with all its treasures, but they were much perturbed to find that there were no able-bodied young men on the island.
A few days later they discovered that the motor boat had been put out of action and their single telephone cable had been cut. The same day, Anna and Peter John had set off in the canoes to visit a ship moored at the island of Halder. When they got there, they found themselves in the hands of their enemies, Troth, Albinus, and Barralty, who locked them in a cabin and gleefully reported their capture to their leader, Jacques d'Ingraville.
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by Canon C. W. Hutchinson
Shipping and general weather forecast?, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Memories in words and music of the Thames in the days before yesterday
The speakers:
Fred Yule , John Ruddock
The singers:
Betty Huntley-Wright
Clarence Wright , Robert Easton
The George Mitchell Choir
Louis Voss and his Orchestra
Programme written by Christopher Pulling
Production by Alfred Dunning
followed by late weather forecast for land areaa