Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, William Mclnulty )
Conductor, David Curry
' The Voices of the Years '
A sick man healed prompted this morning's Bible reading and comment by the Rev. Ronald Falconer from St. Matthew 18. vv. 19 and 20
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Eich lechyd, gun y Meddyg.
Ron Goodwin and his Concert Orchestra
Jean Buck (soprano)
David Ffrangcon Thomas (cello)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
Directed by Michael Spivakovsky
Suite: Mother Goose on gramophone records
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
Angels, from the r.'alms of glory
(BBC Hymn Book 42)
New Every Morning, page 19
Carol: From out of the wood did a cuckoo fly
1 John 1, vv. 1-10
A great and mighty wonder (BBC
Hymn Book 41)
Frank Baron and his Sextet
by Enrique Vicente
Listeners' questions about the countryside answered by Maxwell Knight , Eric Hobbis , and Ralph Wightman
Question-Master, Jack Longland
Produced by Bill Coysh
Gramophone records presented by Phil Brown
with The Stargazers
Jimmy Elliott
Joan Turner
Alfred Marks
James Moody at the piano Harold Smart at the organ
Tim Bill (bass)
Jock Cummings (drums)
From H.M.S. Ganges, Shotley Gate, near Ipswich, Suffolk
Presented by John Foreman
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A spontaneous discussion
Ralph Wightman
John Arlott , Mary Stocks
Denzil Batchelor
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
From Frenchay Hospital, Bristol
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Regional Variations (2)
Deanamaid Acradh.
Light Music String Ensemble directed by Max Jaffa with Grace Nevern (soprano)
Regional Variations (4)
Awr y Plant.
Children's Hour. Party.
Children's Hour. Variety.
For Younger Listeners
A Nursery Sing-Song with Fred Lawson and Trevor
' The Magical Mince Pie': a Christmas story by Ursula Hourihane , told by Gwen
5.25 For Children of Most Ages
' Tuppence Coloured': a new competition set by W. R. Dalzell and 'Alouette!': Boyd Neel talks about music-making in Canada
Boyd Neel, well known to Children's Hour listeners for h:s talks on music, is now doing important work as Dean of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. While in this country on a flying visit he gives some of his impressions of what young musicians are doing in Canada today.
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
Animal Disease and the National Economy by a veterinary surgeon
Losses caused by livestock diseases in Great Briita n are conservatively estimated at abou.t £ 80,000,000 a year. A practising veterinary surgeon gives his views on how this loss could be substantially reduced.
Regional Variations (5)
Con Docherty (cinema organ).
Talking Football.
St. Swithun's (Winchester) School Choir; John Runge (tenor and guitar).
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra.
Listeners' requests introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
Talk by The Rev. Nathaniel Micklem ,
D.D., LL.D.
The speaker gives some of the reasons w'hy we keep Christmas on December 25 and explains the origin of this and other dates for the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Regional Variations (7)
Brian Pearsall and his Music, with Beryl Austin; Johnny Ryan.
' Just as you please.'
Sports Forum, from Neath General Hospital.
The Faith in the West.
Light Orchestra
Variety Fanfare.
Stars and music of the past and present from home and abroad
Regional Variations (5)
The Fifty-One Society: discussion. Guest Speaker: Salvador de Madariaga.
The Guid Scots Tongue: 14.
Oes Gafr Eto? ': sgwrs gan loan Mai Evans.
As North
Talk by Michael Croft
The speaker's own preoccupations at school in the thirties in the North were absorbingly and passionately with the political events of the period, to Che neglect of his work. The boys he now teaches in London he finds indifferent to politics, equally bu.t more calmly absorbed in literature and drama—and in their work. He does not regret the way he took.
Regional Variations (2)
' Robert Roberts tai'r felin ': rhaglen atgof am y datgeinydd enwog o faledi ac alawon gwerin.
See top of page
with Maurice Denham and Dora Bryan
BBC Men's Chorus
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
by Wickham Steed
[Starring] Bernard Braden and Barbara Kelly
with Benny Lee and Pearl Carr, Ronald Fletcher
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Special orchestration by Malcolm Lockyer
Produced by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (5)
As North
' Who is Jesus?': last in a series; Guest Speaker: The Very Rev. N. M. Kennaby. Provost of Newcastle.
Aberdeen to Inverness by the Defiance Stage Coach: journey based on log sheets for 1846.
Records chosen by Mine-head Choral Society.
Talk by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Ronald Knox
This talk seeks to answer the question:
What difference has it made to the world and to our own standards that Christ was born in Bethlehem?
Regional Variations (3)
BBC Northern Orchestra. conducted by Charles Groves. Tragic Overture (Brahms); A Song before Sunrise (Delius); Tone poem: Don Juan (Richard Strauss).
Iris Loveridge (piano). ' Goyescas ' (Granados).
Rene Soames (tenor)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
The Hiirsch String Quartet :
Leonard Hirsch (violin) Leonard Digiht (violin)
Stephen Shingles (viola) Francisco Gabarro (cello)